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发表于 Oct 19, 2021 09:50:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览
SF Announced Scholarship Program to Encourage Vaccinations for Youth

In an effort to encourage more young people in San Francisco to get vaccinated, city officials on Monday announced residents between 12 and 17 years old who have been vaccinated could be eligible for a fully funded four-year scholarship at San Francisco State University.
为了鼓励旧金山更多的年轻人接种疫苗,市政府官员周一宣布,已接种疫苗的 12 至 17 岁居民有资格获得旧金山州立大学全额资助的四年奖学金。

Eligible students who have been vaccinated can enter the drawing, and 10 people will be selected for the scholarships.

"These college scholarships are an incredible reward for San Francisco teens doing the right thing for themselves and their community -- and that is being a part of ending this pandemic by getting the COVID-19 vaccination," Mayor London Breed said in a statement.
市长伦敦布里德在一份声明中说:“这些大学奖学金是对旧金山青少年为自己和社区做正确事情的令人难以置信的奖励——这是通过接种 COVID-19 疫苗来结束这场大流行的一部分。”

"Our teens have endured over a year of distance learning and missed interactions with their friends. These scholarships will carry their education forward and help shape their future in innumerable ways," she said.

"SF State is committed to supporting college attendance among young people in San Francisco and helping to promote the city's vaccination goals," SFSU President Lynn Mahoney said. "These scholarships can further public health objectives while lifting up a new generation of leaders for our workforce."
“旧金山州立大学致力于支持旧金山年轻人上大学,并帮助促进该市的疫苗接种目标,”旧金山州立大学校长林恩·马奥尼说。 “这些奖学金可以促进公共卫生目标,同时为我们的劳动力培养新一代领导者。”

Those eligible must already be vaccinated or have recently been vaccinated one of several upcoming vaccination sites in the city.

The last day to enter the drawing is Nov. 13 and winners will be announced the week of Nov. 22, city officials said.
市政官员说,参加抽奖的最后一天是 11 月 13 日,获胜者将在 11 月 22 日那一周宣布。

Back in May, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration approved the Pfizer vaccine for people 12 years old and older. Since then, 80 percent of youth between 12 and 17 years old have been fully vaccinated, city officials said.
早在 5 月,美国食品和药物管理局就批准了辉瑞 (Pfizer) 疫苗用于 12 岁及以上的人群。市政府官员说,从那时起,80% 的 12 至 17 岁青年都接种了疫苗。

More information can be found at https://together.sfsu.edu/vaccinescholarship.
更多信息可以在 https://together.sfsu.edu/vaccinescholarship 找到。

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