

15个厨房改造和翻新理念 15 Kitchen Remodel and Renovation Ideas

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发表于 Oct 19, 2021 12:52:09 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览
Even minor kitchen remodel ideas can generate major expenses, with Remodeling Magazine reporting that the minor kitchen remodel these days averages around $23,000. Even people who are excited about kitchen renovation may balk at the price tag and opt for a smaller facelift that adds a fresh look without breaking the bank. If you want your kitchen before and after to look great even when you do the DIY kitchen makeovers yourself, try some of these small and large projects yourself in 2021.
即使是很小的厨房改造想法也会产生大量费用,Remodeling Magazine 报道称,如今的小型厨房改造平均约为 23,000 美元。 即使是对厨房装修感到兴奋的人也可能对价格标签犹豫不决,并选择较小的整容,以在不破坏银行的情况下增添新鲜感。 如果您希望自己的厨房前后看起来很棒,即使您自己进行 DIY 厨房改造,请在 2021 年亲自尝试其中的一些小型和大型项目。

1.Turn busy, dark colors bright and neutral.

In general, adding lighter colors will make your kitchen remodel look brighter and more airy, a modern trend. Whether you add white furniture, beige walls, or buy a bright white refrigerator, you’ll be adding a more modern edge to the space. Note at least one place in your kitchen that could really look better with a touch of brightness.
一般来说,添加较浅的颜色会使您的厨房改造看起来更明亮、更通风,这是一种现代趋势。 无论您是添加白色家具、米色墙壁,还是购买明亮的白色冰箱,您都会为空间增添更现代的气息。 请注意厨房中至少有一个地方,如果稍微增加一点亮度,它确实会更好看。
What you’ll need:
White Kitchen Island
Breakfast Bar


2. Make clever use of small spaces.

Note your kitchen’s assets, not just its shortcomings. Some small galley kitchens have high ceilings, allowing you to store rarely-used items very high up. Other kitchens may have too many appliances and lack counter space – consider adding an island, moving an appliance, or adding a rolling cart for storage.
注意您厨房的资产,而不仅仅是它的缺点。 一些小厨房的天花板很高,让您可以将很少使用的物品存放在很高的地方。 其他厨房可能有太多电器而缺乏柜台空间——考虑增加一个岛,移动一个电器,或增加一个滚动推车来存放。
What you’ll need:
Rolling Cart
In-Cabinet Organizers


3. Choose bright cabinet paint or add glass.

Your cabinets take up a lot of kitchen real estate, so make them count. You can repaint the outside a satin white or a matte eggshell or some other neutral that looks bright and cheery in your kitchen remodel before and after. You can also opt to see everything inside by installing panes of glass in the cabinets instead.
你的橱柜占用了大量的厨房空间,所以让它们计数。 您可以将外面重新粉刷成缎白色或哑光蛋壳或其他一些在厨房改造前后看起来明亮愉快的中性色。 您也可以选择在橱柜中安装玻璃板来查看里面的所有东西。
What you’ll need:
Glass-Front Cabinets
White Paint


Opt for vintage hardware.

Nataliia Zhekova / Shutterstock
If you can only do one thing, adding new hardware in a kitchen with very dated drawer pulls will do wonders. Just picking a beautiful antiqued bronze style or modern sleek chrome can completely change the vibe of your kitchen renovation.
如果你只能做一件事,在厨房里添加新的硬件和非常陈旧的抽屉拉手会产生奇迹。 只需选择漂亮的仿古青铜风格或现代时尚的镀铬,就可以彻底改变厨房装修的氛围。
What you’ll need:
Ceramic Knobs
Vintage Scrollwork Handles


Replace cabinets with drawers.

Raisa Suprun / Shutterstock
In some cases, a new set of drawers will serve you even better than cabinets, and having them along the bottom half of your kitchen will look beautiful and modern. Sleek options are available for affordable prices.
在某些情况下,一套新的抽屉会比橱柜更好地为您服务,将它们放在厨房的下半部分会看起来既漂亮又现代。 以实惠的价格提供时尚的选择。
What you’ll need:
Drawers For Inside the Cabinets
Overdoor Organizers


Splurge on a big-basin farmhouse sink.

Breadmaker / Shutterstock
One modern fixture we’re starting to see everywhere is the large basin or two basin porcelain sink. The apron front looks beautiful in a modern bright kitchen remodel, and if you want something that will feel practical and luxurious at once, this is the thing! If you already have a large farmhouse sink, consider adding a more modern faucet with new features.
我们开始随处可见的一种现代装置是大盆或两盆瓷水槽。 在现代明亮的厨房改造中,围裙前部看起来很漂亮,如果您想要既实用又奢华的东西,就是这样! 如果您已经有一个大型农舍水槽,请考虑添加一个具有新功能的更现代的水龙头。
What you’ll need:
Farmhouse Sink
Stainless Steel Sink


Choose shelves to display antique kitchenware.

@4thwood / Twenty20
If you’ve got stoneware, matching glasses, or other harmonious, beautiful kitchenware, choose to make them a part of your kitchen storage shelves. Not only are they easy to use, but they offer options for seasonal decorating that offers decorative novelty without breaking the bank.
如果您有粗陶器、配套眼镜或其他和谐、美观的厨具,请选择将它们作为厨房储物架的一部分。 它们不仅易于使用,而且还提供季节性装饰选项,在不破坏银行的情况下提供装饰新颖性。
What you’ll need:
Floating Shelves
Shelving Unit


Pick an understated, coordinated backsplash.

Berkay Demirkan / Shutterstock

Your kitchen backsplash is key to the room’s aesthetic. One dated backsplash can really spoil the look of the kitchen and prompt you to look for kitchen remodel ideas, so look into an understated neutral backsplash. If you prefer, a bold color can also be the perfect option when you’ve already redone the whole kitchen in neutral tones.
您的厨房后挡板是房间美感的关键。 一个过时的后挡板真的会破坏厨房的外观,并促使你寻找厨房改造的想法,所以看看低调的中性后挡板。 如果您愿意,当您已经以中性色调重新装修整个厨房时,大胆的颜色也可以是完美的选择。
What you’ll need:
Neutral Backsplash (Peel and Stick)
Bright Blue Backsplash Option


Add an island for storage.

Breadmaker / Shutterstock

Some kitchens are just not set up to hold everything a modern home chef needs, instead, focusing on ample floor space. Adding an island to the middle or edge of your kitchen offers a spot to put more of your items, freeing up counter space and keeping everything close at hand.
一些厨房的设置并不是为了容纳现代家庭厨师所需的一切,而是专注于充足的地面空间。 在厨房的中间或边缘添加一个岛台,可以放置更多物品,从而腾出柜台空间并使所有物品都触手可及。
What you’ll need:
Kitchen Cart
Island With Storage and Seating


Remove bulky islands for more space.

Anatoli Igolkin_Shutterstock

On the other hand, life without the island might be better if you constantly have to squeeze past fellow cooks. Try removing an island or stand of cabinets and see if having more space is a great trade-off to feel the airy lightness of a modern kitchen in your DIY kitchen remodel, maybe even making room for a breakfast nook.
另一方面,如果你经常不得不挤过其他厨师,没有岛屿的生活可能会更好。 尝试移除一个岛台或橱柜架,看看拥有更多空间是否是一个很好的权衡,可以在您的 DIY 厨房改造中感受现代厨房的轻盈感,甚至可以为早餐角腾出空间。

Add a butcher-block countertop for warmth.

FotoHelin / Shutterstock

If you aren’t ready to put in new granite, marble, or laminate countertops, one modern choice that is also economical are butcher-block countertops. Not only do they look nice even after being a bit weathered, but they add the comfortable glow of stained or raw wood.
如果您还没有准备好安装新的花岗岩、大理石或层压板台面,一种经济实惠的现代选择是肉铺台面。 即使经过一点风化,它们不仅看起来很漂亮,而且还增添了染色或原木的舒适光泽。
What you’ll need:
Dark Walnut Option
Light Maple Option


Add bar stools for camaraderie.

Breadmaker / Shutterstock

If you have a bar or other medium-high countertop in your kitchen, see what it’d be like to add bar stools. They are a great fit for drawing people to spend time near the kitchen without getting in the way, and are especially nice if there’s somewhere to tuck them away when not in use.
如果您的厨房里有吧台或其他中高台面,看看添加吧台凳会是什么感觉。 它们非常适合吸引人们在厨房附近消磨时间而不会碍手碍脚,如果有地方可以在不使用时将它们藏起来,那就特别好。
What you’ll need:
Basic White Barstools
Dark Leather Barstools


Purchase new stainless-steel appliances.

karamysh / Shutterstock

If you’re overdue for a new appliance, see what is available for a bargain in stainless steel. This style is one of the most modern looks in appliances these days, and can add a sleek look to any kitchen. Remember, no need to get them all at once, since stainless steel is popular and can be fairly easily coordinated piecemeal.
如果您逾期购买新电器,请查看不锈钢材质的特价商品。 这种风格是当今电器中最现代的外观之一,可以为任何厨房增添时尚外观。 请记住,无需一次全部获得,因为不锈钢很受欢迎,并且可以很容易地进行零散协调。
What you’ll need:
Stainless Steel Cleaner
Matching Utensil Holder


Stow small appliances to prioritize counter space.

Archi_Viz / Shutterstock

Toasters, blenders, cutting boards… before long, the countertop is covered! Find or make space for all small appliances so that you can maximize kitchen space. Even if this means adding a hutch or cabinet in a nearby room or closet, make the space to have those beautiful clear counters.
烤面包机、搅拌机、砧板……很快,台面就被覆盖了! 为所有小家电寻找或腾出空间,以便最大限度地利用厨房空间。 即使这意味着在附近的房间或壁橱中添加一个厨房或橱柜,也要腾出空间来放置那些漂亮的透明柜台。
What you’ll need:
Mixer Lift
Blind Corner Trays


Add jars, vases, or bowls for elegance.

Oksana Shufrych / Shutterstock

No kitchen remodeling budget to speak of? You can still spruce it up! A visit to a local thrift store or big box store can yield inexpensive and simple jars, vases, or bowls to make the focal point of a shelf, counter, or tabletop. Don’t clutter, just add a little ambiance – vases can easily be storage for wooden spoons and other utensils too!
没有厨房改造预算可言? 你仍然可以美化它! 去当地的旧货店或大卖场可以买到便宜又简单的罐子、花瓶或碗,作为货架、柜台或桌面的焦点。 不要杂乱无章,只需添加一点氛围 - 花瓶也可以轻松存放木勺和其他器具!
What you’ll need:
Vintage Pitcher
Ceramic Jars


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