

我的家居装饰风格是什么? 测验和设计技巧总结 What’s My Home Decorating Style? Quiz and Design Tips

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发表于 Oct 20, 2021 09:52:30 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览
Got space that needs attention or are you ready to take on a new DIY home redesign project? Before you start, here’s something to consider — have you decided which home decor style fits your home and your personality?
有需要注意的空间,或者您准备好接受新的 DIY 家居重新设计项目了吗?在您开始之前,有一些事情需要考虑——您是否已决定哪种家居装饰风格适合您的家和您的个性?

“Well, what is my design style?” you ask. Take the short and fun quiz below to get an accurate answer. With our 10 questions, you’ll be able to put a name to your dream home aesthetic. You’ll be able to answer, is my home decor style more Mid-Century Modern or Industrial? Do I lean toward Shabby Chic or Modern Classical? With some home design inspiration, you can get your home design project wheels going.
“嗯,我的设计风格是什么?”你问。参加下面简短而有趣的测验,以获得准确的答案。通过我们的 10 个问题,您将能够为您梦想中的家居美学命名。您将能够回答,我的家居装饰风格更偏向中世纪现代还是工业风?我倾向于破旧别致还是现代古典?有了一些家居设计灵感,您就可以开始您的家居设计项目。

3 rules to follow when decorating with your home design style in mind:
根据您的家居设计风格进行装饰时要遵循的 3 条规则:

Now that you’ve got a clear idea of what your home aesthetic is, thanks to our interior design quiz, here are our three crucial rules to ace DIY home decorating. You can make your home look like a professional designer styled it — without breaking the bank!
由于我们的室内设计测验,现在您已经清楚地了解您的家居美学是什么,以下是我们 DIY 家居装饰的三个关键规则。你可以让你的家看起来像专业设计师的风格——而不会破坏银行!

Rule #1: Know your design style by heart.

Let’s face it — some home decor styles are easy to confuse with one another (hello, Minimalist and Scandinavian!). So how do you make sure that the design you’re trying to imitate truly reflects your style?

Step 1: Start with a home aesthetic quiz.
第 1 步:从家居美学测验开始。

Start with our What’s My Decorating Style? Quiz! It’s quick, purely visual, and fun to take. You might be surprised — the style that you end up with (and truly suits you) might be slightly different from what you’ve imagined all along! It will also give you the necessary design vocab to narrow down your search. When looking for home decor pieces, you can type words like “industrial,” “coastal,” or “boho” to help you find the perfect fit for your home!

Step 2: Take a good look at your space.
第 2 步:好好看看你的空间。

Once you’ve got your style down pat, your next fundamental step is to scrutinize your space. Is a total revamp in the cards? Or do you just need some accessories here and there to emulate your style? Which areas of your home are working for you and which ones aren’t? Is it important for your home to have a lot of natural light? Or does artificial light suffice?

Keeping an open mind and a flexible outlook will make it easier for you to understand what suits you and keeps you happy down the line.

Step 3: Get inspired.
第 3 步:获得灵感。

Ahhh, this is probably one of our favorite steps. Take a step back, relax, and just allow the creative energy to flow. Look for home decor inspiration from sites like Pinterest, in your favorite home decor magazines, and even in movies or TV series.
啊,这可能是我们最喜欢的步骤之一。退后一步,放松,让创意能量流动。从 Pinterest 等网站、您最喜爱的家居装饰杂志,甚至电影或电视剧中寻找家居装饰灵感。

Also, pull inspiration from the spaces around you. Getting inspired by actual lived-in homes is a great way to visualize how your space could look with a similar layout or elements. Save some pictures and file them together to create your interior design mood board. Ask a friend for recommendations when you come across fixtures, furniture, or artwork you love in their homes.

Rule #2: Follow the 3 C’s: choose, consider, curate.
规则 2:遵循 3C:选择、考虑、策划。

So moving on to the second must-follow rule of DIY interior design: choose elements wisely, consider the nitty-gritty of your space, and curate to bring in the happy feelings.
因此,继续进行 DIY 室内设计的第二条必须遵循的规则:明智地选择元素,考虑空间的本质,并策划带来快乐的感觉。

First, choose style elements and accessories that you see yourself (and your family) using and enjoying in the long run. As much as we would like our space to epitomize our style, practicality and functionality still make a liveable, comfortable home.

Second, consider lighting, measurements, etc. It’s easy to shop for anything and everything that embodies your style. But the thing is, not all of those items were made to fit your home. Consider the amount of light your space gets at all times of day, and choose paint colors and lighting that can brighten your space. Take notes about the dimensions of your room to make sure that you find furniture that fits.
其次,考虑灯光、尺寸等。 购买任何体现您风格的东西都很容易。但问题是,并非所有这些物品都适合您的家。考虑您的空间在一天中的所有时间获得的光量,并选择可以照亮您的空间的油漆颜色和照明。记下您房间的尺寸,以确保您找到合适的家具。

Lastly, curate your home aesthetic by only bringing in things that make you happy. Clutter never maketh any man happier — and we live by this principle, too. To make a truly standout space, take it easy on the accessorizing. Trust us; it’s better to slowly add elements one at a time rather than have an overwhelmingly designed space.

Rule #3: Promise to work within your set budget.

Our last rule is where most DIY designers falter. For some, the high of visualizing their dream home design wears off as soon as the talk of a budget comes up. But working within your budget shouldn’t be met with dread and shouldn’t stifle your creative potential. Here’s how you can stick to your budget without sacrificing your dream home decor:
我们的最后一条规则是大多数 DIY 设计师犹豫不决的地方。对于一些人来说,一旦谈到预算,想象他们梦想中的家居设计的高潮就会消失。但是在您的预算范围内工作不应该感到恐惧,也不应该扼杀您的创造潜力。以下是您如何在不牺牲梦想家居装饰的情况下坚持预算的方法:

Reuse items that you already have.

You might already have what you need. Categorize each item you currently own and identify if it still serves its purpose and the style you’re going for. Do you have items that have an entirely different aesthetic than you’re going for? Organize a garage sale for extra funds or donate them to your nearest charity.

Dive into a garage sale or a secondhand store.

Somebody else’s unwanted items could be your treasure. These establishments are a hodgepodge of every single style — both old and new — and could become an easy distraction. So remember — eyes on the prize.

Focus on mixing rather than matching.

Purchasing big-ticket items in one go, like a furniture set, might sound like a way to get everything you need at once. But it could end up draining your budget faster and restrict your ability to truly personalize your space. To design like an actual pro, don’t be afraid to mix and match your elements — especially your furniture. Keep one focal point and add in complementing accessories.

Try your hand at DIY-ing your home pieces.
尝试动手 DIY 家居用品。

Interior design styles like Shabby Chic and Industrial, among others, feature lived-in pieces which are easy to replicate with some patience and elbow grease. With DIY, you get to unleash your creativity and create design pieces that you won’t find anywhere else.
像破旧别致和工业风格这样的室内设计风格,其中包括有一些耐心和肘部油脂的生活作品,很容易复制。通过 DIY,您可以释放您的创造力并创造出在其他任何地方都找不到的设计作品。

2 floor
 楼主| 发表于 Oct 20, 2021 09:57:03 | 只看该作者
Frequently asked questions

What are the different home decor styles?
There are tons of design styles out there, but here are 10 of the trendiest styles:
那里有大量的设计风格,但这里有 10 种最流行的风格:
Mid-Century Modern
French Country
Modern Classic
Art Deco


What are the 2022 decorating trends?

These are some of the most popular trends we see in 2022:
这些是我们在 2022 年看到的一些最受欢迎的趋势:
Off-trend is the new on-trend. More reasons to DIY (wink, wink).
Colorful kitchens. Kitchens are no longer just predominantly white.
Cozy fabrics and accessories. Bring in the Hygge.
Colors as neutrals. Don’t be afraid to be bold in your color choices!
Approachable luxury vibe. Natural elements like wood add an organic polish, and elements of industrial metal make spaces stand out.

非趋势是新的趋势。 DIY的更多理由(眨眼,眨眼)。

How do I make my house beautiful on a budget?
To stick to your budget without limiting your home’s aesthetic potential, try reusing items that you already have, or if you really need to purchase, get items from a garage sale or a secondhand store. We also recommend accumulating your design elements or accessories slowly, rather than making one big purchase. Lastly, we couldn’t stress how DIY-ing some of your pieces. It’s a great way to create one-of-a-kind accessories while keeping your budget to a minimum.

How do I show my personality through my design style?

The biggest piece of advice that we can give is to mix and match your design elements. That’s the best way to allow your personality to shine through while making your space look like it was put together by a professional interior designer. But be wary of going heavy-handed. Instead, take one interesting piece and make it the focal point of a room and design around the item to create a cohesive, well thought out look.

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