

在科罗拉多州要做的 24 件事 24 Top Things to Do in Colorado

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科罗拉多州适合户外旅行者和喜欢冒险的人。白雪皑皑的山脉、湍急的河流和壮观的峡谷创造了一个值得探索的崎岖而迷人的景观。与此同时,丹佛、博尔德和科罗拉多斯普林斯等城市提供了文化体验。虽然您可能认为该州主要是滑雪胜地,但科罗拉多州每个季节都有很多有趣的事情要做。春天是在该州四个国家公园之一徒步旅行的好天气,而夏天意味着您可以在各种原始湖泊中消暑。此外,还有众多的年度节日、啤酒厂和历史悠久的采矿小镇将使科罗拉多州脱颖而出。国家提供了如此多的活动方式,可能很难决定如何度过你的时间。请继续阅读以了解在科罗拉多州要做的最重要的事情。 (注意:部分旅行团和短途旅行可能会受到冠状病毒爆发的影响。新政策可能会到位,包括容量限制和停车预订要求。请先咨询疾病控制与预防中心、美国国务院和当地旅游局旅行。)
Colorado is made for outdoorsy travelers and adventurous souls. Snowcapped mountains, rushing rivers and dramatic canyons create a rugged yet stunning landscape worth exploring. Meanwhile, cities like Denver, Boulder and Colorado Springs provide a taste of culture. While you might think of the state primarily as a ski destination, there are plenty of fun things to do in Colorado during every season. Spring brings perfect weather for hiking in one of the state's four national parks, and summer means you can cool off in a variety of pristine lakes. Plus, there are numerous annual festivals, breweries and historic mining towns that will make Colorado stand out. The state offers so much in the way of activity, it can be difficult to decide how to spend your time. Read on to see the top things to do in Colorado. (Note: Some tours and excursions may be affected by the coronavirus outbreak. New policies may be in place, including capacity restrictions and parking reservation requirements. Check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of State and local tourism boards before traveling.)

Hike in Rocky Mountain National Park

落基山国家公园每年吸引数百万人前来探索其多样的小径和壮丽的景色。该公园拥有壮观的山峰、147 个原始湖泊和大量野生动物。其 355 英里的小径吸引了所有经验水平的徒步旅行者。游客向初学者推荐公园的平坦湖泊步道,如百合湖环路、斯普拉格湖步道和艾琳湖步道。中级登山者可以享受 4.1 英里长的翡翠湖步道,该步道需要大约 745 英尺的海拔增加,或者通过冰川峡谷步道的 9.8 英里天空池塘往返路线,欣赏白雪皑皑的山峰。许多经验丰富的徒步旅行者开始完成朗斯峰:这条小径是 14 人山(超过 14,000 英尺的山峰),海拔近 5,000 英尺,专为雄心勃勃且技术娴熟的徒步旅行者准备,他们愿意早起并打包成吨的补给品. Longs Peak 地区的一条短而密集的小径是 Chasm Lake。这条路线往返约 8.5 英里,带领登山者经过草地、溪流和风景秀丽的山脉。落基山国家公园位于古色古香的埃斯蒂斯公园镇附近,该镇拥有各种餐饮和住宿选择。进入公园的费用为每辆车 25 美元。
Rocky Mountain National Park draws millions of people every year who come to explore its varied trails and stunning views. The park features dramatic peaks, as well as 147 pristine lakes and plenty of wildlife. Its 355 miles of trails appeal to hikers of all experience levels. Visitors recommend the park's flat lake trails, such as Lily Lake Loop, the Sprague Lake trail and the Lake Irene trail, for beginners. Intermediate climbers may enjoy the 4.1-mile Emerald Lake trail, which requires about 745 feet of elevation gain, or the 9.8-mile Sky Pond out-and-back route via the Glacier Gorge trail for views of snowcapped peaks. Many experienced hikers set out to complete Longs Peak: This trail is a 14-er (a peak that exceeds 14,000 feet) with a nearly 5,000-foot elevation gain reserved for ambitious and very skilled hikers willing to wake up early and pack tons of supplies. A short but also intense trail in the Longs Peak area is Chasm Lake. This route is about 8.5 miles round trip and brings climbers past meadows, streams and scenic mountains. Rocky Mountain National Park is located near the quaint town of Estes Park, which features an array of dining and lodging options. Entry to the park costs $25 per car.


一英里高城遍布教育博物馆、时尚餐厅、历史遗迹和一流的景观,使其成为科罗拉多州最好的景点之一。为了体验文化,大多数游客建议在丹佛艺术博物馆、丹佛当代艺术博物馆和丹佛植物园停留。如果您带着孩子参观,丹佛动物园和丹佛自然科学博物馆都是度过一天的好地方。还有许多独特的旅游项目,包括啤酒厂郊游和涂鸦之旅,以帮助您尽可能多地体验这座城市。对于低预算的活动,您还可以计划在城市公园野餐,那里可以欣赏到周围群山的景色,并为孩子们提供了充足的跑动空间。夜幕降临时,漫步在拉里默广场 (Larimer Square),寻找啤酒厂和酒吧。一些顶级啤酒厂包括 Great Divide Brewing Company 和 Ratio Beerworks。由于其充满活力的夜生活场景、现场音乐表演和引人注目的街头艺术,五点地区也是晚上探索的绝佳去处。科罗拉多州的首府城市也提供大量住宿选择,从丹佛四季酒店等高档酒店到更经济实惠的选择。
The Mile High City is full of educational museums, trendy restaurants, historical sites and top-notch views, making it one of the best spots in Colorado. For a taste of culture, most visitors recommend stopping at the Denver Art Museum, the Museum of Contemporary Art Denver and the Denver Botanic Gardens. If you're visiting with children, the Denver Zoo is a great place to spend the day, as is the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. There are also plenty of unique tour offerings, including brewery outings and graffiti tours, to help you experience as much of the city as possible. For a low-budget activity, you can also plan a picnic in City Park, which offers views of the surrounding mountains and lots of space for the kids to run around. When night comes, stroll through Larimer Square to find breweries and bars. Some top-rated breweries include Great Divide Brewing Company and Ratio Beerworks. The Five Points area is also an excellent place to explore in the evening thanks to its vibrant nightlife scene, live musical performances and noteworthy street art. Colorado's capital city offers plenty of lodging options as well, from upscale hotels like the Four Seasons Hotel Denver to more budget-friendly options.

Surf at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve

虽然您不会在内陆科罗拉多州找到任何传统的冲浪体验,但这并不意味着您不能尝试这项运动。输入:沙滩冲浪。带着沙板、舒适的衣服和一点勇气,游客可以在大沙丘国家公园和保护区的巨大沙丘上冲浪。请记住,公园内没有董事会租赁设施;相反,您必须从附近圣路易斯谷的一家商店租借。距离入口 4 英里的 Oasis Store 是最近的租赁商店选项。最好的滑雪板是专门为沙子制作的——你在使用雪橇和滑雪板滑行时会遇到困难。从主停车场出发,沙滩冲浪者可以步行半英里多一点到达一些大小合适的沙丘。那些寻找更大斜坡的人可以选择走得更远一点,因为除了植被区外,沙丘上的任何地方都可以冲浪。宁愿坐着不愿站着的人,应选择滑沙。大沙丘国家公园和保护区每天全天开放;每辆车进入公园的费用为 25 美元,您无需预约即可参观。您还可以在公园内进行许多其他活动,包括在 Medano Creek 远足和游泳。
While you won't find any traditional surfing experiences in landlocked Colorado, that doesn't mean you can't try your hand at the sport. Enter: Sand surfing. Armed with a sandboard, comfortable clothes and a bit of courage, visitors can surf down the massive dunes at Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve. Keep in mind, there are no board rental facilities within the park; instead, you'll have to rent from a shop in the nearby San Luis Valley. Oasis Store, located 4 miles from the entrance, is the closest rental store option. The best boards to get are made specifically for sand – you'll have trouble sliding using snow sleds and snowboards. From the main parking area, sand surfers can walk a little more than a half-mile to reach some decent-sized dunes. Those looking for larger slopes can choose to walk a bit farther, as surfing is allowed anywhere on the dunes aside from vegetated areas. Those who would rather sit than stand should opt for sand sledding instead. Great Sand Dunes National Park and Preserve is open all day every day; it costs $25 per vehicle to enter the park, and you do not need a reservation to visit. There are also plenty of other activities you can do within the park, including hiking and swimming in Medano Creek.

Garden of the Gods

众神花园位于科罗拉多斯普林斯市中心西北约 5 英里处,有多种方式可以探索高耸的岩层。当然,徒步旅行是锻炼身体的好方法,同时还能欣赏美景。一些强烈推荐的远足路线包括轻松的 Perkins Central Garden Trail 和温和的 Palmer Trail。吉普车之旅是探索众神花园的另一种方式:游客可以参加 90 分钟的带解说的吉普车游览平衡岩并了解公园的历史,踏上 90 分钟的郊游到格伦艾里的皇后峡谷并欣赏风景在两小时的短途旅行中俯瞰或骑车前往瀑布、隧道和其他风景如画的地区。公园内还提供赛格威之旅以及电车之旅,它们比吉普车冒险更便宜且强度更低,但仍然为旅行者提供了许多令人难以置信的风景。那些想要多锻炼的人可以选择自行车旅行或单人自行车旅行(公园内提供电动自行车和山地自行车租赁服务)。
There are plenty of ways to explore the towering rock formations in Garden of the Gods, located about 5 miles northwest of downtown Colorado Springs. Of course, hiking is a great way to exercise while also soaking in the great views. Some highly recommended hiking routes include the easy Perkins Central Garden Trail and the moderate Palmer Trail. Jeep tours are another way to explore Garden of the Gods: Visitors can take a 90-minute narrated Jeep tour to Balanced Rock and hear about the history of the park, embark on a 90-minute outing to Glen Eyrie's Queens Canyon and enjoy a scenic overlook, or ride to waterfalls, tunnels and other picturesque areas on a two-hour-long excursion. There are also Segway tours available in the park, as well as trolley tours, which are cheaper and less intense than the Jeep adventures but still offer plenty of incredible scenery for travelers to admire. Those looking for a bit more exercise can opt for bike tours or solo bike trips (e-bike and mountain bike rentals are available in the park).


博尔德位于丹佛西北不到 27 英里处,许多游客欣赏其迷人的小镇氛围。珍珠街购物中心是这里的主要景点,因为露天购物区林立着众多精品店和咖啡馆。您可能还会看到街头表演者的公平份额。此外,靠近科罗拉多大学博尔德分校,这里有许多时尚餐厅和夜生活场所。过去的游客推荐 Lucile's Creole 咖啡厅享用早餐,Leaf Vegetarian 餐厅享用令人难忘的午餐,推荐 Frasca Food and Wine 享用高档意大利晚餐。如果您在周三或周六访问,请务必查看博尔德农贸市场,因为它被许多人认为是该国最好的农贸市场之一。毗邻农贸市场,您会发现博尔德当代艺术博物馆和中央公园——一个广阔的绿地,设有野餐区、游乐场和自行车道。过去的访客建议节省时间在加州大学博尔德校区走走,这里是 Fiske 天文馆和自然历史博物馆的所在地。如需市中心附近便利的住宿选择,请预订 St Julien Hotel & Spa 或 Hotel Boulderado。
Boulder sits less than 27 miles northwest of Denver, and many visitors appreciate its charming, small-town vibe. The Pearl Street Mall is the main attraction here, as the alfresco shopping area is lined with a plethora of boutiques and cafes. You'll probably see your fair share of street performers as well. Plus, with the University of Colorado Boulder in close proximity, there are plenty of trendy restaurants and nightlife options. Past visitors recommend Lucile's Creole Cafe for breakfast, Leaf Vegetarian Restaurant for a memorable lunch and Frasca Food and Wine for an upscale Italian dinner. If you're visiting on a Wednesday or Saturday, be sure to check out the Boulder Farmers Market, as it's considered by many to be one of the best in the country. Adjacent to the farmers market, you'll find the Boulder Museum of Contemporary Art and Central Park – an expansive green space featuring a picnic area, a playground and access to bicycle routes. Past visitors suggest saving time to walk around the UC Boulder campus, which is home to Fiske Planetarium and the Museum of Natural History. For convenient lodging options near downtown, book a stay at the St Julien Hotel & Spa or Hotel Boulderado.

Conquer the Flatirons

如果您确实发现自己在博尔德地区,则必须在熨斗上远足。这些巨大的砂岩山峰与数英里的远足小径交织在一起,这里有适合各种技能水平的徒步旅行者的路线。熨斗编号为一到五。第一条和第二条熨斗步道(一条 2.7 英里的环路)很费力,但可以欣赏到城市和周边地区的美景。根据过去的徒步旅行者的说法,第二和第三熨斗步道(2.2 英里)也属于中等难度,但这条小径以其自然美景给旅行者留下了深刻的印象。那些寻求更轻松的远足和美丽景色的人可以选择麦克林托克小径或魔法台地小径。登山者将陶醉于攀登岩石的机会——第一和第三熨斗提供受欢迎的攀登路线。如果您需要一些指导来操纵这些著名的攀岩区,那么该地区也有带导游的攀登。大多数远足从 Chautauqua Trailhead 开始;如果您不想攀爬或远足,小道起点还提供了一个广阔的公园区,非常适合放松和欣赏熨斗。 Chautauqua Trailhead 位于市中心的博尔德地区以南,因此您可以在之后在城市加油。
If you do find yourself in the Boulder area, hiking the Flatirons is a must. These giant sandstone peaks are intertwined with miles of hiking trails, and there are routes for hikers of all skill levels. The Flatirons are numbered one through five. The First and Second Flatiron Trail (a 2.7-mile loop) is strenuous but offers rewarding views of the city and surrounding area. The Second and Third Flatiron Trail (2.2 miles) is also intermediate to difficult, according to past hikers, but the trail impresses travelers with its natural beauty. Those seeking an easier hike with beautiful views can opt for the McClintock Trail or the Enchanted Mesa Trail. Climbers will revel in the chance to scale the rocks – the First and Third Flatirons offer popular climbing routes. There are also guided climbs in this area if you need some guidance to maneuver these famous rock climbing areas. Most hikes begin at the Chautauqua Trailhead; the trailhead also offers an expansive park area perfect for relaxing and admiring the Flatirons if you're not in the mood to climb or hike. The Chautauqua Trailhead is just south of the downtown Boulder area, so you can fuel up in the city after.

Mesa Verde National Park

风景优美的徒步旅行区也有着悠久的历史,但梅萨维德肯定两者兼而有之。这个国家公园由一系列保存完好的悬崖住宅组成,最初由普韦布洛人在几个世纪前建造。祖先普韦布洛人在这些悬崖边的地区生活和工作了多年,直到 1300 年才最终放弃了他们。现在,这个古老文明的遗迹每年都会吸引成千上万的游客来到科罗拉多州的西南角。在您访问期间,请抽出时间参观悬崖宫——公园内最大、保存最完好的住宅之一。宫殿拥有 150 间客房,您可以在导游带领下通过不平坦的小路和爬上几个梯子来看到这些房间。周边地区还有许多远足径。游客最喜欢的一条路径是适度的 Point Lookout Trail(前后 2.2 英里),拥有一览无余的公园景色。 Petroglyph Point Trail(一条 2.4 英里的环路)也很受欢迎,因为您可以欣赏峡谷壁上绘制的岩画。
It's not too often that scenic hiking areas are also steeped in history, but Mesa Verde certainly has both. This national park consists of an array of preserved cliff dwellings originally built by the people of Pueblo centuries ago. The Ancestral Puebloans lived and worked in these cliffside quarters for years until finally abandoning them in 1300. Now, the remnants of this ancient civilization draw thousands of visitors to the southwest corner of Colorado each year. During your visit, make time to see Cliff Palace – one of the largest and best preserved dwellings in the park. The palace features 150 rooms that you can see by maneuvering uneven paths and climbing a few ladders on your guided tour. There are also plenty of hiking trails in the surrounding area. A visitor-favorite path is the moderate Point Lookout Trail (2.2 miles out and back), which boasts sweeping views of the park. The Petroglyph Point Trail (a 2.4-mile loop) is also popular, as you can admire the petroglyphs drawn on the canyon walls.

Explore the Ghost Towns

科罗拉多州到处都是废弃的城镇,许多城镇因 1900 年代初期的采矿斗争而空无一人。如今,旅行者可以参观这些鬼城的遗迹,并亲眼目睹科罗拉多人民的独特历史。圣埃尔莫是该州最受欢迎的鬼城之一,位于阿斯彭东南约 80 英里处,科罗拉多斯普林斯以西约 110 英里处。在这里,旅行者可以探索 1920 年代废弃的沙龙、监狱和大约 40 座其他保存完好的建筑。许多人说参观圣埃尔莫是了解该州银矿和金矿商的好方法,一些人建议从仍在营业的杂货店(季节性营业)购买纪念品。如果您住在阿斯彭,您还可以前往独立鬼城,在那里您会发现空荡荡的马厩、一家古老的杂货店和小木屋的遗迹。这个小镇位于 11,000 英尺处,每年都会下雪,因此只能在夏季进入。游客可以独自漫步,也可以在阿斯彭历史协会成员的指导下进行正式游览。 (通常在 6 月中旬至 9 月初期间在现场提供讲解员。)过去的游客表示,他们喜欢在废弃的建筑物周围徒步旅行,并从信息丰富的标志中了解该镇的历史。
Colorado is full of abandoned towns, many left empty from mining struggles in the early 1900s. Nowadays, travelers can visit what remains of these ghost towns and get a firsthand look at the unique history of Colorado's people. St. Elmo, one of the state's most popular ghost towns, is located about 80 miles southeast of Aspen and approximately 110 miles west of Colorado Springs. Here, travelers can explore a saloon, a jail and about 40 other preserved buildings that were abandoned in the 1920s. Many say a visit to St. Elmo is a great way to learn about the state's silver and gold miners, and several suggest buying souvenirs from the still-operating general store (open seasonally). If you're staying in Aspen, you can also make the trip to Independence Ghost Town, where you'll find empty stables, an old general store and remains of cabins. Located at 11,000 feet, this town sees tons of snow each year and is therefore only accessible in the summer months. Visitors can either wander around solo or take a formal tour guided by members of the Aspen Historical Society. (A docent is typically available on-site between mid-June and early September.) Past visitors said they enjoyed hiking around the abandoned buildings and getting a taste of the town's history from the informative signs.

Ski in Aspen

每年有数百万游客前往科罗拉多州中部的这个小镇,因为这里有理想的滑雪条件和巨大的斜坡。 Aspen Snowmass 是该国最大的滑雪胜地之一,也是阿斯彭最受欢迎的景点之一。度假村提供多条缆车和 150 英里的小径,使其成为中级和高级滑雪者的主要滑雪目的地。还有一些适合初学者的小径,以及许多上课的机会;过去的游客称赞这个山区度假村乐于助人的教练。如果 Aspen Snowmass 过于拥挤,可以选择在 Buttermilk 的 44 条雪道或 Aspen Mountain 的 76 条雪道上滑雪。即使您不喜欢滑雪,滑雪后的景色也让阿斯彭值得一游。在滑雪坡上度过一天后,您会发现滑雪者蜂拥到镇上的休息室、小酒馆和高档餐厅。该地区有几家屡获殊荣的酒店——例如小内尔酒店和杰罗姆酒店,Auberge Resorts Collection——客人可以住在靠近斜坡的地方,让滑雪日变得更加轻松。
Millions of visitors travel to this town in central Colorado each year for its ideal ski conditions and massive slopes. Aspen Snowmass is one of the country's largest ski resorts and one of Aspen's most popular attractions. The resort offers multiple chairlifts and 150 miles of trails, making it a prime ski destination for intermediate and advanced skiers. There are also some trails for beginners, as well as many opportunities for lessons; past visitors lauded the helpful instructors at this mountain resort. If Aspen Snowmass is too overwhelming, opt to ski the 44 trails at Buttermilk or the 76 trails at Aspen Mountain. Even if you're not a fan of skiing, the après-ski scene makes Aspen worth a visit. You'll find skiers flocking to the town's lounges, taverns and upscale eateries after a day on the slopes. There are several award-winning hotels in the area – such as The Little Nell and Hotel Jerome, Auberge Resorts Collection – where guests can stay close to the slopes, making for an extra easy ski day.

在 Red Rocks Amphitheatre 看一场音乐会
Catch a concert at Red Rocks Amphitheatre

红岩圆形剧场之旅将使任何音乐会体验更上一层楼。看台式座椅建在悬崖上,三侧被高耸的砂岩结构包围。参观者对场地的音响效果赞不绝口,说这是观看现场表演的最佳和最独特的地方之一。音乐会通常安排在 4 月和 11 月之间,您可以查看活动日程表,了解您最喜欢的艺术家的表演时间。即使您不能参加演出,Red Rocks 仍然是白天游览的好地方。音乐会区周围有几条远足小径,包括轻松的 Trading Post Trail(1.4 英里)和中间的 Red Rocks 和 Morrison Slide 小径(3 英里)。此外,从看台的高处,您可以欣赏到周边地区的全景。在某些夏夜,该场地甚至会举办汽车电影活动。一定要抽出时间漫步在红岩名人堂,看看曾在这里登台的著名艺术家。科罗拉多音乐名人堂也位于场地内,该场地交通便利,位于丹佛西南约 15 英里处。
A trip to Red Rocks Amphitheatre will take any concert experience to the next level. The bleacher-style seats are built into a cliff and are surrounded on three sides by towering sandstone structures. Visitors rave about the venue's acoustics, saying it's one of the best and most unique places to witness a live performance. Concerts are usually scheduled between April and November, and you can check out the event schedule to see when your favorite artist is performing. Even if you can't make it for a show, Red Rocks is still a great place to visit during the day. There are several hiking trails around the concert area, including the easy Trading Post Trail (1.4 miles) and the intermediate Red Rocks and Morrison Slide trails (3 miles). Plus, from high up in the stands, you'll get panoramic views of the surrounding area. On some summer nights, the venue even presents drive-in movie events. Be sure to make time to wander through the Red Rocks Hall of Fame to see the famous artists who have taken the stage here. The Colorado Music Hall of Fame is also located at the venue, which is conveniently situated about 15 miles southwest of Denver.

Relax in the hot springs of Glenwood Springs

格伦伍德斯普林斯小镇位于科罗拉多河沿岸,被落基山脉环绕。该镇闻名的矿泉水来自附近的 Yampah 泉,该泉水自然加热到 122 度左右。在镇上,游客可以享受三个主要的温泉区。格伦伍德温泉度假村 (Glenwood Hot Springs Resort) 拥有世界上最大的温泉池,大到足以让游客在 92 度的水中游上几圈。场地适合儿童,不需要预订。另一个选择是铁山温泉,它提供更安静的氛围,16 个浸泡池由加热人行道和花洒淋浴连接,以确保游客在必要时可以降温。请记住,需要预订,周末访问经常售罄,因此请务必提前预订时间段。 Yampah Spa and Vapor Caves 是格伦伍德温泉的另一个热景点,它是非洲大陆上唯一的蒸汽洞穴之一。这个地下区域自然释放出治疗蒸汽,游客可以通过下降到洞穴中并在长椅上闲逛来享受。洞穴内的温度可以达到 112 度,游客可以在附近的冷却室或冷水浴缸中休息一段时间。预订洞穴是有帮助的,但不是必需的。这里还有一个水疗区,您可以在那里预订面部护理和按摩等身体护理。
The small town of Glenwood Springs is situated along the Colorado River and surrounded by the Rocky Mountains. The mineral waters, for which the town is famous, come from the nearby Yampah spring, which naturally heats to about 122 degrees. In town, there are three main areas for visitors to enjoy the hot springs. Glenwood Hot Springs Resort is home to the world's largest hot springs pool, big enough for visitors to swim laps in the 92-degree water. The venue is kid-friendly and doesn't require reservations. Another option is Iron Mountain Hot Springs, which offers a quieter atmosphere, 16 soaking pools connected by heated walkways and rain showers to ensure visitors can cool off when necessary. Keep in mind, reservations are required and weekend access often sells out, so make sure to book a time slot in advance. The Yampah Spa and Vapor Caves is another thermal attraction in Glenwood Springs, and it's one of the only vapor caves on the continent. This underground area naturally releases therapeutic steam, which visitors can enjoy by descending into the caves and lounging on the benches. Temperatures inside the caves can reach 112 degrees, and visitors can break up their sessions with time in the nearby cooling room or cold water tubs. Reservations for the caves are helpful but not required. There is also a spa area here where you can book body treatments like facials and massages.

Go whitewater rafting

阿肯色河——从科罗拉多州中部开始,一直流向阿肯色州——拥有 100 英里的快速流动的水,非常适合冒险的椽子。虽然它可能看起来令人生畏,但对于初次体验椽子或寻求轻松远足的人来说,有很多简单的路线。下布朗峡谷提供一些温和的急流,两者之间有足够的时间欣赏山景。同样,小戈尔峡谷之旅肯定是悠闲的,可能会吸引有年幼孩子的家庭。与此同时,皇家峡谷之旅专为寻求陡峭落差、大水花和持续急流的肾上腺素爱好者而设。源自花岗岩峡谷附近的 Pine Creek 路线是高级椽子的另一个艰苦选择。沿河有各种旅游公司经营的木筏旅游站。因此,无论您住在科罗拉多州的哪个地方,您都不会距离漂流机会太远。根据您选择的公司,有单日或多日漂流之旅可供选择。查看美国新闻对科罗拉多州最佳激流漂流之旅的综述,以计划您的旅行。
The Arkansas River – which starts in central Colorado and runs all the way to Arkansas – features 100 miles of fast-flowing water, perfect for adventurous rafters. Though it might seem intimidating, there are plenty of easy routes for first-time rafters or those looking for a relaxing excursion. Lower Browns Canyon offers a few mild rapids with enough time in between to enjoy the mountain scenery. Similarly, a trip to Little Gore Canyon is sure to be leisurely and may appeal to families with younger children. Meanwhile, the Royal Gorge trip is reserved for adrenaline junkies looking for steep drops, big splashes and constant rapids. The Pine Creek route, which originates near the Granite Gorge, is another strenuous option for advanced rafters. There are raft tour stations operated by a variety of tour companies located all along the river. So, no matter where you're staying in Colorado, you won't be too far from a rafting opportunity. Depending on which company you choose, there are single-day or multiday rafting trip options available. Check out U.S. News' roundup of the best whitewater rafting tours in Colorado to plan your trip.

驾驶 Trail Ridge 路
Drive the Trail Ridge Road

如果您前往落基山国家公园,千万不要错过驾车前往 Trail Ridge Road 的机会。 Trail Ridge 海拔超过 12,000 英尺,赋予“走高路”一个全新的含义。它横跨近50英里,东起埃斯蒂斯公园,西至格兰德湖。它以该国最高的连续铺砌道路而闻名。据游客说,这条路维护得很好,但这并不意味着它不可怕:曲折的转弯和剧烈的下落可能会让你的胃翻腾。然而,大多数人表示,一览无余的景色、令人叹为观止的山脉和可能看到的野生动物值得潜在的高度引起的焦虑。司机将有机会下车并欣赏沿路许多指定停车区的景色。您应该给自己大约五个小时的时间来完成车程,但也可以花额外的时间来欣赏美景。由于冬季天气条件危险,这条路仅在 5 月至 10 月期间开放;即使在夏季,天气也是不可预测的,因此在开始驾驶之前请密切注意天气警告。因为这条路位于落基山国家公园内,预计每辆车需要支付 25 美元才能进入。
If you make the trip to Rocky Mountain National Park, don't miss the chance to drive the Trail Ridge Road. At more than 12,000 feet, Trail Ridge gives a whole new meaning to "taking the high road." It spans nearly 50 miles and runs from Estes Park in the east to Grand Lake in the west. It's known for being the highest continuous paved road in the country. The road is well maintained, according to visitors, but that doesn't mean it's not frightening: The twisting turns and dramatic drops may make your stomach churn. However, most people say the sweeping views, breathtaking mountains and probable wildlife sightings are worth the potential height-induced anxiety. Drivers will enjoy the opportunity to get out of the car and admire the views at the many designated pull-over areas along the road. You should give yourself around five hours to complete the drive, but feel free to take extra time to soak in the views. The road is only open from May to October because of its dangerous winter weather conditions; even in summer, weather is unpredictable, so pay close attention to weather warnings before beginning your drive. Because the road is located within Rocky Mountain National Park, expect to pay $25 per car to enter.


这座位于科罗拉多州西南部的小镇是 1800 年代后期蓬勃发展的采矿村,至今仍保持着狂野西部的魅力。主要街道两旁林立着古色古香的商店和餐馆,以圣胡安山脉为背景。在这里你不会看到很多快餐店或连锁店,但你会发现很多户外活动。该镇在特柳赖德滑雪胜地提供了值得注意的滑雪选择,那里几乎拥有阿斯彭和韦尔的所有装饰,但通常人潮较少。免费缆车也是一项很棒的活动,因为它会带您乘坐风景优美的山路。虽然有许多冬季冒险活动,但春季、夏季和秋季的月份使这个小镇脱颖而出。特柳赖德拥有蓬勃发展的艺术区,是举办节日的热点。特柳赖德蓝草音乐节、特柳赖德爵士音乐节和特柳赖德电影节是一些最受欢迎的活动,但该镇全年也举办许多其他活动。游客喜欢特柳赖德的小镇氛围和历史,有些人说他们在旅行结束时感觉自己像当地人。
A mining village that flourished in the late 1800s, this southwestern Colorado town maintains its Wild West charm to this day. The main street is lined with quaint stores and restaurants, which are set against the dramatic backdrop of the San Juan Mountains. You won't see many fast food restaurants or chain stores here, but you will find plenty of outdoor activities. The town offers noteworthy skiing options at Telluride Ski Resort, which has almost all the frills of Aspen and Vail but typically with fewer crowds. The free gondola is also a great activity, as it'll bring you on a scenic ride to the mountains. While there are numerous winter adventures to be had, the spring, summer and fall months are what make this town stand out. Telluride has a thriving arts district and is a hot spot for festivals. The Telluride Bluegrass Festival, the Telluride Jazz Festival and the Telluride Film Festival are some of the most popular events, but the town hosts many others throughout the year as well. Visitors enjoy Telluride for its small-town atmosphere and history, with some saying they felt like locals by the end of their trip.

Grand Lake

格兰德湖是科罗拉多州游泳、钓鱼、划船和晒太阳的最佳地点之一。这个巨大的湖泊 - 该州最大的天然水体 - 位于落基山国家公园 Grand Lake 入口东南不到 3 英里处,距离丹佛西北约 100 英里。在湖的沙滩上,你会发现很多孩子在玩耍,成年人在晒日光浴,甚至可能有一两只驼鹿在试水。游客说该地区维护良好,他们喜欢指定的野餐地点。更不用说,周围群山从湖中反射出来的令人惊叹的景色一定会让您的海滩日更上一层楼。该湖提供了一个码头,游客可以选择租用摩托艇或皮划艇探索水域。甚至还有大湖游艇俱乐部。水边小镇——也称为格兰德湖——提供了几家咖啡馆、餐馆、商店和博物馆,供您在游览期间享受。如果您在冬天冒险去格兰德湖,仍然会有很多活动让您忙碌。一旦湖泊结冰,冰钓和冰球都是很受欢迎的活动。
Grand Lake is one of the best spots in Colorado for swimming, fishing, boating and soaking up some sun. This massive lake – the largest natural body of water in the state – is located less than 3 miles southeast of the Grand Lake entrance to Rocky Mountain National Park and about 100 miles northwest of Denver. On the sandy shores of the lake, you'll find plenty of kids playing, adults sunbathing and maybe even a moose or two testing the waters. Visitors say the area is well maintained, and they appreciate the designated picnic spots. Not to mention, the jaw-dropping view of the surrounding mountains reflecting off the lake is sure to take your beach day to the next level. The lake offers a marina where visitors can opt to rent motorboats or kayaks to explore the water. There's even the Grand Lake Yacht Club. The small town around the water – also called Grand Lake – offers several cafes, restaurants, shops and museums to enjoy during your visit. If you venture to Grand Lake in winter, there will still be plenty of activities to keep you busy. Ice fishing and ice hockey are both popular things to do once the lake freezes over.

Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park

这个国家公园在一个小区域内包含了大量的风景。黑暗、锯齿状的山峰切入大地,创造出壮观的峡谷和令人叹为观止的景色。虽然它的面积不到 50 平方英里,但游客们可以享受公园的私密氛围,并欣赏人潮稀少的情况。由于峡谷的陡峭性质,甘尼森黑峡谷没有其他公园那么多的远足机会。出于这个原因,许多游客说开车是欣赏美景的最佳方式。公园很小,如果你开车,你可以在一天内看到它。到达公园后,您可以选择探索北缘或南缘。北缘提供 3 条步道和 6 个俯瞰区域,但总体上不如其对应区域发达。许多游客更喜欢南缘,因为它有五个短的自然步行区和 12 个观景点。进入南缘游客中心,在那里您需要支付 30 美元,然后开始您的公路旅行。理想情况下,尽量在所有的观景台停下来,但如果时间不够,请确保您至少看到了甘尼森角、峡谷景观和彩绘墙(科罗拉多州最高的悬崖)。
This national park packs plenty of scenery into a small area. Dark, jagged peaks slice into the earth, creating dramatic canyons and breathtaking views. Although it measures less than 50 square miles, visitors enjoy the park's intimate atmosphere and appreciate the lack of crowds. Black Canyon of the Gunnison doesn't have as many hiking opportunities as other parks due to the steep nature of the canyon. For this reason, many visitors say driving is the best way to take in the views. The park is small enough that if you're driving, you can see it all in a day. When arriving to the park, you can choose to explore either the North Rim or the South Rim. The North Rim offers three trails and six overlook areas but is overall less developed than its counterpart. Many visitors prefer the South Rim for its five short nature walking areas and 12 overlooks. Enter at the South Rim Visitor Center, where you'll pay $30, then start your road trip. Ideally, try to stop at all the overlooks, but if you're short on time, make sure you at least see Gunnison Point, Chasm View and Painted Wall (the highest cliff in Colorado).

Ride the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad

在杜兰戈和西尔弗顿窄轨铁路上乘坐火车回到过去。这条历史悠久的铁路始建于 1880 年代,1882 年建成后,这条铁路将成吨的金银从山区运送到城镇。人们也乘坐这列火车在城镇之间穿梭,他们很快意识到沿途的风景简直令人惊叹。铁路蜿蜒穿过圣胡安山脉,直冲喀斯喀特峡谷——这是游客最喜欢的景色。从杜兰戈到西尔弗顿的火车不到四个小时;乘客可以在返回乘坐火车返回之前探索 Silverton 两个小时。这列火车现在是国家历史地标,每天两次从杜兰戈出发前往古色古香的采矿小镇锡尔弗顿。您必须提前在线或致电预订门票。有大巴、豪华、头等和露天座位可供选择。您可以选择乘坐蒸汽火车、柴油火车或更快的喀斯喀特峡谷快车。
Take a train back in time on the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad. Construction on this historic railroad began in the 1880s and, once completed in 1882, the railroad brought tons of gold and silver from the mountains to the towns. People also used this train to travel between towns, and they quickly realized the scenery along the way was nothing short of stunning. The railroad winds through the San Juan Mountains and chugs up Cascade Canyon – a visitor-favorite view. The train from Durango to Silverton takes less than four hours; passengers can explore Silverton for two hours before returning for the train ride back. The train, which is now a National Historic Landmark, departs from Durango en route to the quaint mining town of Silverton twice daily. You'll have to reserve tickets in advance online or by calling. There are coach, deluxe, first-class and open-air seats to select from. You can choose to ride the steam train, the diesel train or the faster Cascade Canyon Express.

Estes Park Aerial Tramway

如果您想在不费力的徒步旅行的情况下欣赏山景,那么埃斯蒂斯公园空中缆车就是您的最佳选择。自 1955 年以来,这辆家族经营的电车一直载着乘客登上展望山山顶。乘客在埃斯蒂斯公园的山脚下登车,在 8,700 英尺高的山脚上花费 5 分钟,同时欣赏落基山脉的全景。到达顶部后,有许多小径可供探索,还有咖啡店和礼品店。然而,许多人乘坐电车旅行只是为了在开始下山之前野餐一下(许多人说这比上山更好)。电车一次可以坐十个人;乘坐需要付费,并且提供团体价格。您无法预约乘车,门票以先到先得的方式出售。为避开人群,请考虑在清晨或傍晚乘坐电车;这些也是观看晴朗天空和拍照的最佳时间。电车从上午 9 点运行至下午 6 点。夏季(5 月至 9 月)期间的每一天。
If you want to soak in some mountain views without embarking on a strenuous hike, look no further than the Estes Park Aerial Tramway. This family-owned tram has carried passengers to the top of Prospect Mountain since 1955. Passengers board at the base of the mountain in Estes Park and spend five minutes soaring 8,700 feet to the mountaintop, all the while enjoying panoramic views of the Rocky Mountains. There are plenty of trails to explore once you reach the top, as well as a coffee shop and a gift shop. However, many folks travel on the tram simply to have a picnic with a view before starting their descent (which many say is even better than the ascent). Ten people can fit in the tram at a time; there is a fee to ride, and there are group rates available. You cannot make a reservation to ride, and tickets are sold on a first-come, first-served basis. To avoid crowds, consider riding the tram in the early morning or late afternoon; these are also the best times to visit for clear skies and good photo-ops. The tram operates from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m. every day during summer (May through September).

Visit Colorado's wine country

大多数人将科罗拉多州与精酿啤酒和无数啤酒厂联系在一起。然而,许多人震惊地得知科罗拉多州也生产相当份额的葡萄酒。其“葡萄酒之乡”位于该州西部边缘,靠近大章克申市,山间空气与科罗拉多河水交融,营造出理想的酿酒气候。 Grand Junction 和附近的 Palisade 有很多酿酒厂和品酒室。据最近的访客称,一些顶级选择包括 Maison la Belle Vie Winery、Hermosa Vineyards 和 Two Rivers Winery。品酒爱好者会很高兴有机会在这些地方品尝从雷司令到赤霞珠的各种酒。此外,葡萄酒的味道肯定会更好,背景是壮丽的山景。一些游客建议骑电动自行车游览科罗拉多州的葡萄酒之乡,以获得额外的乐趣。还有豪华轿车、班车和出租车自行车服务,可将您运送到每个盛产葡萄酒的目的地。到了休息时间,不妨入住 Grand Junction 最好的酒店之一,其中大部分酒店都位于 Main Street 的酒吧和餐厅附近,交通便利。
Most people associate Colorado with craft beer and countless breweries. However, many are shocked to learn that Colorado also produces its fair share of wine. Its "wine country" is located in the western edge of the state near the city of Grand Junction, where the mountain air mingles with the Colorado River water to create an ideal wine-making climate. There are wineries and tasting rooms galore in Grand Junction and nearby Palisade. According to recent visitors, some of the top options include Maison la Belle Vie Winery, Hermosa Vineyards and Two Rivers Winery. Oenophiles will appreciate the chance to sample everything from riesling to cabernet sauvignon at these locations. Plus, the wines are sure to taste even better with stunning mountain views in the background. Some visitors recommend touring Colorado's wine country on an e-bike for an extra dose of fun. There are also limousines, shuttles and taxi bike services to transport you to each wine-filled destination. When it comes time to rest, turn down at one of the best hotels in Grand Junction, most of which are conveniently located near the bars and restaurants of Main Street.

The Colorado State Fair

如果您喜欢现场音乐、农场动物、嘉年华游乐设施和油炸食品,请确保您对科罗拉多州的访问恰逢普韦布洛的科罗拉多州博览会。每年八月底到九月初都会举办适合家庭的年度博览会,通常会吸引大约 50 万名观众。您可以期待看到传统的牛仔竞技表演,以及全国知名艺术家的现场表演。此外,汽车爱好者将喜欢观看德比和怪物卡车表演。第一届此类博览会于 1872 年举行,旨在庆祝普韦布洛的历史和农业影响——这座城市位于科罗拉多斯普林斯东南 45 英里处。今天,博览会仍然在该市 100 多英亩的露天市场举行。如果您想过夜,可以考虑预订普韦布洛市中心的酒店。参加展会没有统一费用,但您需要单独购买门票才能参加各种活动——例如音乐会或牛仔竞技表演。您可以提前在网上购票。
If you enjoy live music, farm animals, carnival rides and fried food, make sure your visit to Colorado coincides with the Colorado State Fair in Pueblo. The family-friendly annual fair takes place from around the end of August through early September, and it typically draws about half a million attendees. You can expect to witness traditional rodeos, as well as live performances by nationally recognized artists. Additionally, car lovers will enjoy watching derbies and monster truck showings. The first fair of its kind was held in 1872 to celebrate the history and agricultural influences of Pueblo – a city located 45 miles southeast of Colorado Springs. Today, the fair is still held on the city's 100-plus acres of fairground. If you're looking to spend the night, consider booking a hotel in downtown Pueblo. There is no flat rate to enter the fair, but you will need to purchase individual tickets to attend the various events – such as the concerts or rodeos. You can buy tickets online in advance.

Summit Pikes Peak

派克峰高出 14,000 多英尺,耸立在落基山脉南部前沿山脉的邻近山峰之上。这座雄伟的山峰位于科罗拉多斯普林斯以西约 30 英里处,激发了许多故事和歌曲的灵感,包括“美丽的美国”。您可以通过多种方式登上这座山。驾车是登顶最简单的方式,只需三四个小时。有很多地方可以停下来欣赏沿途的景色。另一种到达顶部的流行方式是通过布罗德穆尔曼尼通和派克峰齿轮铁路。铁路提供令人叹为观止的景色(海拔高度可能会让您叹为观止),因为它会在持续一个多小时的车程中将乘客带上山。在顶部,乘客可以在登上火车之前在风景中浸泡大约 40 分钟。您可以提前在线购买此往返行程的车票。上山的最后一条路是步行。只有最熟练的徒步旅行者和骑自行车的人才能尝试通过 Barr Trail 攀登派克峰。如果您决定尝试这次徒步旅行,请务必为可能的 8 到 14 小时旅程准备充足的营养。一旦您登上顶峰并目睹科罗拉多斯普林斯和周边地区令人难以置信的美景,那么艰苦的 13.5 英里远足将是值得的。
Pikes Peak rises more than 14,000 feet in the sky, towering over its neighboring peaks in the southern Front Range of the Rocky Mountains. This majestic mountain, located approximately 30 miles west of Colorado Springs, has inspired many stories and songs, including "America the Beautiful." You can ascend the mountain in a number of ways. Driving is the easiest way to summit, and it takes just three or four hours. There are plenty of places to pull over and admire the views on the way up. Another popular way to reach the top is via The Broadmoor Manitou and Pikes Peak Cog Railway. The railway offers breathtaking views (the altitude may literally take your breath away) as it sweeps passengers up the mountain in a ride that lasts a little more than an hour. At the top, passengers can soak in the scenery for about 40 minutes before boarding the train down. You can purchase tickets for this round-trip ride online in advance. The last way up the mountain is on foot. Only the most skilled hikers and bikers should attempt to scale Pikes Peak via the Barr Trail. If you decide to try this trek, be sure to come prepared with plenty of nourishment for the possible eight- to 14-hour journey. The grueling 13.5-mile hike to the summit will be worth it once you make it to the top and witness incredible views of Colorado Springs and the surrounding area.


虽然这个科罗拉多小镇以其出色的滑雪产品而闻名,但韦尔也是放松身心并享受时光的好地方。白天,您可以在 Kemo Sabe 购买(或橱窗商店)真皮,在 Axel's 浏览原创服装设计或在精心设计的贝蒂福特高山花园中轻松漫步。下午在 4 Eagle Ranch 或 Root & Flower 品酒会让您的一天更加放纵。傍晚时分,在 Matsuhisa 享用高档日本料理或在 Sweet Basil 享用现代美式美食。韦尔也有很多豪华的住宿选择。如果您正在寻找一流的水疗服务,请预订欧洲风格的 Sonnenalp 酒店。现场水疗中心提供按摩、身体护理、磨砂、水疗、室内和室外漩涡浴缸,如果海拔足够高,甚至还有氧吧。如果您更愿意在自己舒适的客房内放松身心,可以考虑入住 Four Seasons Resort and Residences Vail,那里的住宿可能设有宽敞的客厅区、舒适的家具和可欣赏山景的燃气壁炉。
While this Colorado town is famous for its excellent ski offerings, Vail is also a great place to kick back and spend your time getting pampered. During the day, shop (or window shop) for genuine leather at Kemo Sabe, browse original clothing designs at Axel's or take a relaxing stroll through the meticulously landscaped Betty Ford Alpine Gardens. Afternoon wine tastings at 4 Eagle Ranch or Root & Flower will make your day extra indulgent. When evening comes, splurge on upscale Japanese cuisine at Matsuhisa or contemporary American favorites at Sweet Basil. Luxurious accommodation options also abound in Vail. If you're looking for top-notch spa offerings, book a stay at the European-inspired Sonnenalp Hotel. The on-site spa offers massages, body treatments, scrubs, hydrofacials, indoor and outdoor whirlpools, and even an oxygen bar, if the altitude gets to you. If you'd rather relax in the comfort of your own guest room, consider staying at the Four Seasons Resort and Residences Vail, where accommodations may feature spacious living room areas, cozy furniture and gas fireplaces alongside mountain views.

Dinosaur National Monument

恐龙国家纪念碑 (Dinosaur National Monument) 横跨科罗拉多州和犹他州边界,儿童和成人肯定会对保存完好的化石和自然奇观感到惊讶。这片崎岖的山峦、峡谷和河流曾经是恐龙的栖息地,游客现在可以在岩石中看到它们的生存遗迹。现场的 Quarry Exhibit Hall 很受年轻人欢迎,因为它展示了大约 1,500 块曾经属于不同类型恐龙的骨头。壁画使该地区栩栩如生,动手化石展品让学习变得有趣。游客可以欣赏数百年前弗里蒙特印第安部落成员绘制的岩画,其中包含人类和动物的图像,以及更抽象的主题。在博物馆区之外,还有很多户外乐趣可供选择。远足径从游客中心一直延伸到可以俯瞰独特沙漠景观的观景点。一些受欢迎的路线包括 3 英里的寂静之声小径和短的 1.2 英里化石探索小径;保护区内也允许进行越野远足。骑自行车和骑马也是观赏国家纪念碑的绝佳方式。恐龙国家纪念碑的入场费为每辆车 25 美元。过去的游客警告说,科罗拉多州西北部的纪念碑与其他景点有些距离——它位于斯廷博特斯普林斯以西 80 多英里处——但他们表示值得一游。
Children and adults alike are sure to be amazed by the preserved fossils and natural wonders at Dinosaur National Monument, which straddles the Colorado-Utah border. This rugged landscape full of mountains, canyons and rivers was once inhabited by dinosaurs, and visitors can now see remnants of their existence in the rocks. The on-site Quarry Exhibit Hall is a hit among youngsters, as it displays about 1,500 bones that once belonged to different types of dinosaurs. Murals bring the area to life, and hands-on fossil exhibits make learning fun. Visitors can admire petroglyphs that were drawn by members of the Fremont Indian Tribe hundreds of years ago and feature images of humans and animals, as well as more abstract subjects. Outside of the museum areas, there is plenty of outdoor fun to be had. Hiking trails stretch from the visitor centers out to viewpoints that overlook the unique desert landscape. Some popular routes include the 3-mile Sound of Silence trail and the short 1.2-mile Fossil Discovery trail; off-trail hiking is allowed in the protected area as well. Cycling is also a great way to see the national monument, as is horseback riding. Entrance to Dinosaur National Monument costs $25 per vehicle. Past visitors warned that the monument in northwestern Colorado is a bit removed from other attractions – it's more than 80 miles west of Steamboat Springs – but they said it was worth the trip.

Denver Arts Week

每年 11 月,艺术家、电影制作人、表演者等都会涌向丹佛,展示他们的创意项目。本周,整个街区,如 RiNo 艺术区,都将变成露天艺术博物馆,因为艺术家们在店面和墙壁上绘制了五颜六色的壁画。更不用说,丹佛艺术周最值得一提的活动之一是丹佛电影节,它展示广受好评的电影,并举办星光熠熠的红地毯活动。这座城市在一周内还会举办数百场不同的活动。这些活动在丹佛的小型画廊和大型表演艺术剧院举行。许多博物馆,包括丹佛自然科学博物馆,也展示与艺术相关的活动。最受欢迎的夜间活动之一是 Night Lights Denver,它的特点是旋转的艺术展品投射到建筑物的一侧(幸运的是,该活动全年都在发生,而不仅仅是在丹佛艺术周期间)。这是体验首都丰富的文化景观的好时机,因为您可以找到折扣门票和与艺术相关的活动。如果您在此活动期间访问,您还可以在选定的酒店找到特价酒店。
Each November, artists, filmmakers, performers and more flock to Denver to showcase their creative projects. Entire neighborhoods, such as the RiNo Art District, are transformed into alfresco art museums during this week as artists paint colorful murals on storefronts and walls. Not to mention, one of Denver Art Week's most noteworthy events is the Denver Film Festival, which showcases critically acclaimed films and features a star-studded red carpet event. The city also hosts hundreds of different events throughout the week. These events take place in both Denver's small galleries and its massive performing arts theaters. Many museums, including the Denver Museum of Nature & Science, showcase art-related events as well. One of the most popular nighttime events is Night Lights Denver, which features rotating art exhibits projected onto the side of a building (and luckily, this event occurs throughout the year, not just during Denver Arts Week). This is a great time to experience the capital city's rich cultural scene, as you'll find discounted tickets and deals on art-related activities. You'll also find special hotel rates at select properties if you visit during this event.

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