

在加利福尼亚州要做的 21 件事 21 Top Things to Do in California

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加州的景点如此多样化,所有类型的游客都可以轻松找到令他们兴奋的活动。海滩、湖泊、森林、山脉和沙漠并排坐落在该州的边界内。该州还拥有多个葡萄酒产区、米其林星级餐厅,当然还有星光熠熠的好莱坞。有了这一切以及更多,要想弄清楚如何在一次或多次旅行中满足该州所有最重要的必看景点可能具有挑战性。让本指南帮助您规划加州假期,无论您是初学者还是经验丰富的专业人士。从北到南以及介于两者之间的一切,这些都是加州最值得做的事情。 (注意:以下一些活动和地点可能会受到冠状病毒爆发的影响。新政策可能到位,包括容量限制、预订要求或口罩要求。请咨询美国国务院疾病控制与预防中心和当地旅游局在旅行前。)
California's attractions are so diverse that travelers of all types will have no problem finding things to do that will thrill them. Beaches, lakes, forests, mountains and deserts sit side by side within the state's borders. The state is also home to several wine regions, Michelin-starred restaurants and, of course, star-studded Hollywood. With all this and so much more, it may be challenging to figure out how to fit all the state's most important must-sees in one or more trips. Let this guide assist you in your California vacation planning, whether you're a first-timer or a seasoned pro. From the north to south and everything in between, these are the top things to do in California. (Note: Some of the following activities and locations may be affected by the coronavirus outbreak. New policies may be in place, including capacity restrictions, reservation requirements or mask mandates. Check with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the U.S. Department of State and local tourism boards before traveling.)

17 英里自驾
17-Mile Drive

17 英里大道是一条引人入胜的路线,沿着蒙特利湾海岸线风景最优美的一段蜿蜒而行。这条道路位于圆石滩的专属社区,将司机带入德尔蒙特森林,经过富丽堂皇的豪宅,然后沿着风景如画的崎岖海滩和悬崖向下行驶。花点时间在沿途标记的各个了望点停下来,包括著名的孤柏树。如果您对这里的床上用品感兴趣,可以考虑在房间里挥霍一下,或者至少停下来吃顿饭,看看圆石滩度假村周围的壮丽景色,包括圆石滩的小屋或西班牙湾的旅馆.请注意,您必须支付少量费用才能访问 17-Mile Drive。
The 17-Mile Drive is a spellbinding route that weaves along the most scenic stretch of the Monterey Bay coastline. This road, located in the exclusive community of Pebble Beach, takes drivers up into the Del Monte Forest, past palatial mansions and down along picture-perfect craggy beaches and bluffs. Take the time to stop at the various lookout points marked along the way, including the famous Lone Cypress Tree. If you're interested in bedding down here, consider splurging on a room, or at least stop for a meal, to behold the stunning scenery that surrounds the properties at Pebble Beach Resorts, including The Lodge at Pebble Beach or The Inn at Spanish Bay. Note that you'll have to pay a small fee to access 17-Mile Drive.


蒙特雷县的这个小社区是加州最独特、最迷人的城镇之一。其迷人的沿海位置、树木繁茂的街道、童话般的建筑以及众多当地商店和餐馆,非常值得从太平洋海岸公路绕道而行。在这里,一定要参观卡梅尔的一些海滩,而不仅仅是同名的卡梅尔海滩,它位于该镇的主要街道海洋大道的尽头。卡梅尔河州立海滩的人流量不高,设有卡梅尔草甸小径,可通往更加僻静的修道院海滩。至于住宿地点,请考虑到镇上的豪华住宿之一犒劳自己,包括旅行者认可的 L'Auberge Carmel 或 La Playa Carmel。
This small community in Monterey County is one of the most unique and charming towns in California. Its enchanting coastal location, wooded streets, fairy tale-like architecture and bevy of local shops and restaurants is well worth the detour from the Pacific Coast Highway. While here, be sure to visit a few of Carmel's beaches and not just the namesake Carmel Beach, which is located at the end of Ocean Avenue, the town's main drag. Carmel River State Beach isn't as highly trafficked and features the Carmel Meadows Trail, which leads to the even more secluded Monastery Beach. As for where to stay, consider treating yourself to one of the town's luxurious accommodations, including traveler-approved L'Auberge Carmel or La Playa Carmel.

Visit the theme parks

当谈到加利福尼亚的主题公园时,您真的被宠坏了。令人印象深刻的选择数量将取悦各种类型的旅行者。孩子们自然会被阿纳海姆举世闻名的迪斯尼乐园所吸引。但是,如果您不准备支付迪士尼乐园众所周知的高昂门票费用,请考虑令人兴奋的替代方案,例如加州乐高乐园和圣地亚哥海洋世界。还有两个六旗乐园(一个靠近洛杉矶,另一个靠近旧金山),非常适合寻求刺激的人,还有好莱坞环球影城,这里是广受欢迎的哈利波特魔法世界的所在地。由于这些公园很受欢迎,您可以轻松找到附近的住宿。迪斯尼加州大酒店及水疗中心是游客的最佳选择,对于那些参观好莱坞环球影城的游客来说,加兰也是首选。广受好评的 Cape Rey Carlsbad Beach, a Hilton Resort and Spa 不仅距离乐高乐园只有很短的车程,而且还提供紧邻海滩的位置。
You are truly spoiled for choice when it comes to theme parks in California. The impressive amount of options will please every type of traveler. Kids will naturally be dazzled by Anaheim's world-famous Disneyland Park. However, if you're not up for paying Disneyland's notoriously high ticket fees, consider exciting alternatives, such as Legoland California and SeaWorld San Diego. There are also two Six Flags locations (one near Los Angeles and the other near San Francisco), perfect for thrill-seekers, and Universal Studios Hollywood, which is home to the popular Wizarding World of Harry Potter. Due to the popularity of these parks, you'll have no problem finding nearby accommodations. Disney's Grand Californian Hotel & Spa is a top choice among travelers, as is The Garland for those visiting Universal Studios Hollywood. And the well-received Cape Rey Carlsbad Beach, a Hilton Resort and Spa is not only a short drive to Legoland, but also offers a location right next to the beach.

Yosemite National Park

如果您在加州旅行期间只有时间去一个户外目的地,那就去优胜美地吧。几个世纪以来,优胜美地山谷每年接待数百万游客,以其宏伟的花岗岩山峰、壮丽的瀑布和郁郁葱葱的常绿景观而闻名。在这个近 760,000 英亩的公园里有很多事情要做,你需要几天的时间才能把它全部看完。据最近的旅行者称,它们被认为是标志性的、不容错过的景点。优胜美地内共有三间酒店,包括优胜美地唯一的豪华酒店Ahwahnee。您还会在公园周围找到小木屋、帆布帐篷、露营地和房车露营地。
If you only had time to visit one outdoor destination during your California trip, make it Yosemite. Welcoming millions of visitors per year, Yosemite Valley has been known to stir awe for centuries with its grand granite peaks, magnificent waterfalls and lush, evergreen landscapes. There is so much to do in this nearly 760,000-acre park that you'll need several days to take it all in. If you're unsure where to start, know that Glacier Point, Half Dome, Tunnel View Outlook and the Mist Trail are considered iconic, can't-miss attractions, according to recent travelers. There are three hotels within Yosemite, including the Ahwahnee, Yosemite's only luxury hotel. You'll also find cabins, canvas-sided tents, campgrounds and RV campsites spread around the park.

Explore the desert

要正确欣赏加州多样化的地质景观,您需要冒险越过海岸探索沙漠。幸运的是,距离洛杉矶和圣地亚哥不到三小时车程,就可以看到两处壮丽的沙漠景观。约书亚树国家公园位于洛杉矶以东约 130 英里处,是一片 800,000 英亩的绿洲,点缀着独特的约书亚树,这种树只能在美国西南部找到。与此同时,位于圣地亚哥东北约 75 英里的安沙波利哥沙漠州立公园是加利福尼亚州最大的州立公园,拥有从狭缝峡谷到棕榈绿洲的壮丽景色。这两个公园都提供令人难忘的远足径和露营选择。约书亚树 (Joshua Tree) 最受旅行者欢迎的地方包括 3 英里的往返瑞恩山小径和 1.7 英里的骷髅岩环路。在 Anza-Borrego 州立公园,游客可以享受 2.6 英里的往返象形图步道和更温和的 2.3 英里环形 Slot 步道。由于沙漠夏季酷热(想想:白天温度超过 100 度),最好在春季和秋季参观。
To properly appreciate California's diverse geological landscape, you'll need to venture beyond the coast and explore the desert. Luckily, two magnificent desert landscapes can be found less than three hours from Los Angeles and San Diego. Joshua Tree National Park, located about 130 miles east of Los Angeles, is an 800,000-acre oasis dotted with the unique Joshua tree, which can only be found in the American Southwest. Meanwhile, Anza-Borrego Desert State Park, located about 75 miles northeast of San Diego, is California's largest state park and features striking scenery ranging from slot canyons to palm oases. Both of these parks offer memorable hiking trails and camping options. Traveler favorites in Joshua Tree include the 3-mile out-and-back Ryan Mountain Trail and the 1.7-mile Skull Rock loop trail. And in Anza-Borrego State Park, visitors enjoyed the 2.6-mile out-and-back Pictograph Trail and the more moderate 2.3-mile loop Slot trail. Due to the desert's extreme summer heat (think: daytime temperatures above 100 degrees), it's best to visit during the spring and fall.

Laguna Beach

如果您有兴趣体验南加州小镇,拉古纳海滩是一个完美的起点。拉古纳海滩位于洛杉矶和圣地亚哥之间,交通便利,位于加利福尼亚著名的 1 号高速公路旁的海岸。拉古纳风景如画的环境以原始的海滨公园和位于海岸悬崖之间的美丽海滩为特色。一定要参观独特的海湾海滩,例如维多利亚海滩和 1,000 Steps 海滩,以及更大的海岸线,包括旅行者最喜欢的水晶湾州立公园,该公园因其美丽的环境而受到赞誉。拉古纳海滩还拥有一系列豪华住宿,包括拉古纳海滩的牧场和拉古纳海滩的旅行者认可的蒙太奇。
If you're interested in experiencing small-town Southern California, Laguna Beach is the perfect place to start. Conveniently situated between Los Angeles and San Diego, Laguna Beach is located along the coast just off of California's famous Highway 1. Laguna's picturesque setting is characterized by pristine oceanfront parks and a collection of beautiful beaches wedged between its coastal bluffs. Be sure to visit unique cove beaches, such as Victoria Beach and 1,000 Steps Beach, as well as larger shorelines, including traveler-favorite Crystal Cove State Park, which receives praise for its beautiful setting. Laguna Beach is also home to a bevy of luxurious accommodations, including The Ranch at Laguna Beach and the traveler-approved Montage at Laguna Beach.


马里布位于洛杉矶以西 30 多英里处,通常被视为富人和名人的沿海避难所。虽然这种印象肯定是真实的,但马里布还拥有数个一流的海滩,并且距非凡的荒野公园仅一箭之遥。沿 1 号高速公路行驶,在热门海岸线停靠,包括罗伯特·H·纪念州立海滩公园、祖马海滩和 Point Dume 州立海滩。您还应该花时间在 Point Mugu 州立公园、Topanga 州立公园和圣莫尼卡山国家游乐区的许多小径远足。若要远足欣赏壮观的海景,可以选择 3 英里的 Solstice Canyon Loop 小径或具有挑战性的 2.7 英里的 Mugu Peak 环形小径。由于马里布面积小且富裕,您不会找到很多提供实惠价格的酒店,因此您可能想在附近的洛杉矶睡觉。如果您打算留在马里布,您会在马里布海滩旅馆和冲浪者马里布找到舒适和豪华的环境。
Located a little more than 30 miles west of Los Angeles, Malibu is often seen as a coastal refuge for the rich and famous. While that impression is certainly true, Malibu is also home to several superb beaches and is a stone's throw away from exceptional wilderness parks. Drive up Highway 1 and make a pit stop at popular shorelines, including Robert H. Memorial State Beach park, Zuma Beach and Point Dume State Beach. You should also take time to hike the many trails at Point Mugu State Park, Topanga State Park and the Santa Monica Mountains National Recreation Area. For hikes with spectacular ocean views, hit up the 3-mile Solstice Canyon Loop trail or the challenging 2.7-mile Mugu Peak loop trail. Due to Malibu's small size and affluence, you won't find many hotels that offer affordable rates, so you might want to bed down in nearby Los Angeles. If you are intent on staying in Malibu, you'll find comfort and luxury at the Malibu Beach Inn and The Surfrider Malibu.

San Francisco

没有在旧金山停留,对加利福尼亚的访问是不完整的。这座城市在很多方面都很出色,不仅在该州而且在整个国家。其风景如画的海湾环境、高耸的山丘和众多色彩缤纷的维多利亚式房屋排列成一排,是一场赏心悦目的盛宴。最重要的是,这座城市拥有世界著名的景点,被广泛认为是该国最好的美食城市之一。在这里,您可以参观游客的最爱,包括金门大桥、唐人街和恶魔岛,还可以利用构成金门国家游乐区的户外空间,包括 Land's End、穆尔森林国家纪念碑等。至于住宿地点,旧金山有无数选择,包括丽思卡尔顿酒店、四季酒店和瑞吉酒店。
A visit to California is not complete without a stop in San Francisco. There are several ways the city is a standout, not only in the state but the entire country. Its scenic bayfront setting, towering hills and the plethora of colorful Victorian homes that line them are a feast for the eyes. On top of all of that, the city is home to world-famous attractions and is widely considered to be one of the best foodie cities in the country. While here, stop at visitor favorites, including the Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown and Alcatraz, but also take advantage of the outdoor spaces that make up the Golden Gate National Recreation Area, including Land's End, Muir Woods National Monument and more. As for where to stay, you have endless options in San Francisco, including Ritz-Carlton, Four Seasons and St. Regis outposts.

San Diego

该州的第二大城市是那些想要体验大城市而没有邻近洛杉矶的拥挤交通和烟雾的人的绝佳选择。圣地亚哥因其多样化的景点而成为首屈一指的度假胜地。在这里,您可以选择美妙的南加州海滩,包括太平洋海滩和拉霍亚海岸。其他值得探索的顶级景点包括世界著名的圣地亚哥动物园、博物馆众多的巴尔博亚公园、多利松州立自然保护区和位于一艘退役航空母舰上、深受旅行者喜爱的中途岛号航空母舰博物馆。您会在圣地亚哥的各个景点附近找到许多酒店,包括海滩、海湾和市中心。如果想要真正的享受,可以考虑入住优雅的费尔蒙 Grand Del Mar 或历史悠久的 Hotel del Coronado, Curio Collection by Hilton。
The state's second-largest city is a great alternative for those who want a big city experience without the intense traffic and smog of neighboring Los Angeles. San Diego is a premier vacation destination thanks to its diverse array of attractions. Here, you have your pick of fantastic Southern California beaches, including Pacific Beach and La Jolla Shores. Other top things to explore include the world-famous San Diego Zoo, museum-heavy Balboa Park, Torrey Pines State Natural Reserve and traveler-favorite USS Midway Museum, located in a retired aircraft carrier. You'll find plenty of hotels near various points of interest in San Diego, including by the beach, the bay and in downtown. For a real treat, consider a stay at the elegant Fairmont Grand Del Mar or the historic Hotel del Coronado, Curio Collection by Hilton.

Death Valley National Park

这个国家公园是书本上的一个国家公园,它打破了地球上最热的地方和整个北美(不仅仅是美国)最干旱的土地的记录。参观死亡谷并不容易。最近的国际机场位于拉斯维加斯近两个小时的路程。如果您决定徒步旅行,您将获得令人难忘的沙漠景观,包括适合步行的沙丘和艺术家大道,这条 9 英里长的铺砌道路以柔和色彩的山丘为特色。还有赛马场,这里是著名的移动岩石的所在地。如果您想留在公园内,请知道这里有各种各样的露营地和住宿选择,包括死亡谷的绿洲。
This national park is one for the books, breaking records as both the hottest place on Earth and driest land in all of North America, not just the United States. A visit to Death Valley is not easy; the closest international airport sits nearly two hours away in Las Vegas. Should you decide to make the trek, you'll be rewarded with memorable desert landscapes, including walkable sand dunes and Artists Drive, a 9-mile paved road that features pastel-colored hills. There's also the Racetrack, which is home to the famous moving rocks. If you'd like to stay within the park, know that there are a variety of campgrounds and lodging options, including The Oasis at Death Valley.

Big Sur

这个位于加利福尼亚中部海岸的偏远地区应该在每个人的遗愿清单上。大苏尔 (Big Sur) 的美丽是如此明显和恢复活力,以至于它已成为一个受欢迎的养生胜地。您可以入住著名的 Esalen Institute(一个全面的教育和健康中心)或豪华的 Ventana Big Sur(阿丽拉度假村),在那里您可以预订水疗约会和健康活动,从而实现这一目标。旅行者还可以在欣赏大苏尔所有令人惊叹的自然景观的同时练习正念。第一次来的游客应该停下来欣赏 Bixby 桥,在 Andrew Molera 州立公园沿着海岸徒步旅行,在 Julia Pfeiffer Burns 州立公园参观 McWay Falls,并在著名的 Keyhole Arch 所在地 Pfeiffer 海滩欣赏日落。如果 Ventana Big Sur 超出您的价格范围,请考虑入住价格更实惠的 Glen Oaks Big Sur 或 Big Sur Lodge,两者都因其宁静的林地环境而受到旅行者的高度赞扬。
This remote region located along the central coast of California should be on everybody's bucket list. Big Sur's beauty is so palpable and restorative that it's become a popular spot for a wellness retreat. You can achieve this with a stay at the famous Esalen Institute, a holistic educational and wellness center, or at the luxurious Ventana Big Sur, an Alila Resort, where you can book spa appointments and wellness activities. Travelers can also practice mindfulness while taking in all of Big Sur's stunning natural sights. First-time visitors should stop and admire Bixby Bridge, hike along the coast at Andrew Molera State Park, visit McWay Falls at Julia Pfeiffer Burns State Park, and catch a sunset at Pfeiffer Beach, home to the famous Keyhole Arch. If Ventana Big Sur is out of your price range, consider a stay at the more affordable Glen Oaks Big Sur or the Big Sur Lodge, both of which earn high praise from travelers for their serene woodland settings.

Los Angeles

The City of Angels is one place that deserves a spot on every California itinerary. Aside from being home to Hollywood, Los Angeles also offers an incomparable dining scene, some of California's most famous beaches, including Venice and Santa Monica, world-class art institutions, including the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and the Getty Center, hiking options galore, and a variety of other attractions. There is so much to do that you'd need more than a week to see it all. Like its attractions, LA is also filled to the brim with exceptional hotels. Give yourself the celebrity treatment and splurge on a stay at highly rated properties, such as The Beverly Hills Hotel, the Hotel Bel-Air or The Peninsula Beverly Hills.

Indulge in wine country

许多人都知道纳帕谷作为世界级葡萄酒目的地的声誉,但纳帕并不是该州唯一的葡萄酒生产热点。索诺玛被认为是纳帕更休闲的兄弟姐妹,在景点方面提供更多多样性,包括索诺玛海岸州立公园和 Safari West,后者是一个野生动物园,为游客提供非洲风格的游戏驱动器。向南行驶,您可以体验被认为是该国最多样化的葡萄种植者之一的圣伊内斯山谷。与此同时,位于圣地亚哥县北部的 Temecula Valley Wine Country 已经从其成员酒厂生产了数百种屡获殊荣的葡萄酒。有如此多的葡萄酒产区(准确地说是 12 个),无论您身在该州的哪个地方,您都可能至少在驾车距离之内。
Many are aware of Napa Valley's reputation as a world-class wine destination, but Napa isn't the state's only wine producing hot spot. Sonoma is considered Napa's more casual sibling, and offers more diversity in terms of attractions, including Sonoma Coast State Park and Safari West, the latter of which is a safari park that offers African-style game drives to its visitors. Travel farther down south and you can experience the Santa Ynez Valley, considered one of the most diverse grape-growers in the country. Meanwhile, Temecula Valley Wine Country, found north of San Diego County, has produced hundreds of award-winning wines from its member wineries. There are so many wine regions (12 to be exact) that wherever you are in the state, chances are you are within driving distance of at least one.

Behold the giant sequoias and redwoods

您知道加利福尼亚是世界上唯一拥有巨型红杉和红杉的地方吗?这就是您应该制定计划参观这些自然奇观的更多原因。与流行的看法相反,巨型红杉和红杉不是同一棵树。它们需要两种不同的气候才能生存。要观赏巨大的红杉,请前往内华达山脉,最好前往红杉国家公园,在那里您会发现按体积计算的世界上最大的树,谢尔曼将军。要惊叹于巨大的红杉,您可以选择红杉国家公园和州立公园或洪堡红杉州立公园,它们都位于加利福尼亚西北部的洪堡县(旧金山以北约 200 到 300 英里)。这些公园提供四个已开发的露营地和八个露营地小屋。
Did you know that California is the only place in the world that houses giant sequoias and redwoods? This is all the more reason you should make a plan to visit these natural wonders. Contrary to popular belief, giant redwoods and sequoias are not the same tree. They require two separate climates to survive. To see giant sequoias, head into the Sierra Nevada Mountains, preferably to Sequoia National Park, where you'll find the world's largest tree measured by volume, General Sherman. To marvel at giant redwoods, you have your pick of Redwood National and State Parks or Humboldt Redwoods State Park, all in Humboldt County in northwestern California (about 200 to 300 miles north of San Francisco). These parks offer four developed campgrounds and eight campground cabins.

Lake Tahoe

如果您是那种喜欢湖边度假的旅行者,请知道太浩湖是加州最好的地方。太浩湖位于加利福尼亚州北部,非常大,以至于流入邻近的内华达州。太浩湖以其壮观的清澈湛蓝的海水和美丽的山地景观而广受赞誉,这里还拥有该国最好的滑雪场。如果您在冬季访问,可以沿着天堂滑雪胜地和北极星加州度假村的斜坡骑行。在夏季,您可以在国王海滩州立游乐区 (Kings Beach State Recreation Area) 沐浴阳光,或徒步穿越环绕湖泊的众多小径之一,包括旅行者的最爱,例如 4.4 英里的 Emerald Point 往返小径翡翠湾州立公园或 DL 的 2.4 英里卢比孔角灯塔环路布利斯州立公园。此外,还有许多评价很高的酒店,包括丽思卡尔顿酒店、太浩湖酒店和埃奇伍德太浩酒店。
If you're the kind of traveler who enjoys a lake vacation, know that Lake Tahoe is California's best. Situated in Northern California, Lake Tahoe is so big that is spills into neighboring Nevada. Tahoe is lauded for its spectacular clear blue waters and beautiful mountainous landscape that also features some of the best skiing in the country. If you're visiting during winter, enjoy a ride along the slopes of Heavenly Ski Resort and Northstar California Resort. During the summer, soak up the sun with a dip at Kings Beach State Recreation Area or with a hike through one of the many trails that meander around the lake, including traveler favorites like the 4.4-mile Emerald Point out-and-back trail at Emerald Bay State Park or the 2.4-mile Rubicon Point Lighthouse loop trail at D.L. Bliss State Park. What's more, there are a bevy of highly rated hotels available, including the Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe and The Lodge at Edgewood Tahoe.

Experience wildflower season

What California lacks in fall foliage it more than makes up for with wildflowers. Spring is a great time to see an abundance of the state flower, the California poppy, which, depending on where you go, has been known to blanket valleys and hills with its vibrant orange tint. How much of a bloom you see and where varies depending on the year's seasonal rainfall. Some of the best places to see wildflowers are in Southern California. Antelope Valley California Poppy Reserve, Point Mugu State Park, Figueroa Mountain and Chino Hills State Park are a few of the most popular locations where you can spot pretty flowers. If your California travels will be concentrated in the north, try North Table Mountain Ecological Reserve or Lake Tahoe, the latter of which is known to feature a spectacular seasonal display of violet and deep blue lupines.

Santa Barbara

圣巴巴拉 (Santa Barbara) 舒缓的环境和豪华的服务使其成为只想稍事休息的旅客的理想度假胜地。圣巴巴拉 (Santa Barbara) 享有夹在海岸和山脉之间的美丽位置,为游客提供了大量远足和海滩时光的机会。不容错过的海岸线包括 Summerland 海滩、Arroyo Burro 海滩和 Leadbetter 海滩,而受欢迎的远足地点包括 Gaviota 峰和 Los Padres 国家森林。这与圣巴巴拉迷人的西班牙和地中海建筑相结合,使这个目的地感觉像一个真正的度假胜地。这里的酒店选择与环境一样梦幻,拥有评价很高的景点,如 The Ritz-Carlton Bacara、Santa Barbara 和 Belmond El Encanto。更重要的是,圣巴巴拉位于洛杉矶西北约 95 英里处(约两小时车程),是您洛杉矶行程的便利补充。
Santa Barbara's soothing setting and luxurious offerings make it an ideal getaway for travelers simply seeking a pause. Santa Barbara enjoys a beautiful location wedged between the coast and the mountains, affording visitors plenty of opportunities for hiking and time at the beach. Can't-miss shorelines include Summerland Beach, Arroyo Burro Beach and Leadbetter Beach, while popular hiking spots include Gaviota Peak and Los Padres National Forest. This, in combination with Santa Barbara's alluring Spanish and Mediterranean architecture, makes this destination feel like a true getaway. Hotel options here are just as dreamy as the setting, with highly rated spots like The Ritz-Carlton Bacara, Santa Barbara and Belmond El Encanto. What's more, Santa Barbara sits around 95 miles northwest of Los Angeles (about a two-hour drive), making it a convenient addition to your LA itinerary.

Learn to surf at Huntington Beach

在前往该州旅行期间,您可以做的最典型的加州活动之一就是学习冲浪。有几个地方允许您在海岸上下冲浪,但这并不意味着初学者应该去任何地方。适合新手冲浪者的最佳海岸线拥有平静的水域和知识渊博的救生员。美国冲浪城(亨廷顿海滩的昵称)完全符合这个要求。更重要的是,亨廷顿有几所冲浪学校。评价很高的运营商包括 Corky Carroll's Surf School、Learn2Rip Surfing Lesson and Ocean Academy 和 Banzai Surf School。打完海浪后,可以在顶级海滨酒店休息酸痛的肌肉,包括金普顿海岸度假村或帕西酒店及水疗中心。
One of the most quintessentially Californian things you can do during your trip to the state is learn how to surf. There are several places you are allowed to surf up and down the coast, but that doesn't mean that beginners should go just anywhere. The best shorelines for novice surfers feature calm waters and knowledgeable lifeguards. Surf City USA (Huntington Beach's nickname) fits that bill perfectly. What's more, there are several surf schools in Huntington. Highly rated operators include Corky Carroll's Surf School, Learn2Rip Surfing Lesson and Ocean Academy, and Banzai Surf School. After hitting the waves, rest sore muscles at top-rated beachfront properties, including the Kimpton Shorebreak Resort or the Pasea Hotel & Spa.

Explore one or more national forests

您知道加利福尼亚州拥有全美最多的国家森林吗?除了著名的国家公园外,加州还有 18 座国家森林。如果您在该州南部度假,可以考虑参观克利夫兰国家森林、洛杉矶国家森林或洛杉矶教士国家森林,这是距离圣地亚哥、洛杉矶和圣巴巴拉等度假热点最近的国家森林。在萨克拉门托以北,户外爱好者可以选择七个国家森林,包括门多西诺、六河和克拉马斯国家森林,仅举几例。所有这些森林都提供美丽的荒野景观、远足小径和露营选择。
Did you know California has the most national forests of any state in the nation? In addition to its famous national parks, California has 18 national forests to its name. If you are vacationing in the southern part of the state, consider a visit to Cleveland National Forest, Angeles National Forest or Los Padres National Forest, the closest national forests to vacation hot spots like San Diego, Los Angeles and Santa Barbara. North of Sacramento, outdoor lovers have their choice between seven national forests, including Mendocino, Six Rivers and Klamath national forests, to name a few. All of these forests offer beautiful wilderness landscapes, hiking trails and camping options.

The Lost Coast

想要体验加州原始景观的勇敢旅行者应该考虑沿着失落的海岸徒步旅行。失落的海岸位于加利福尼亚北部尤里卡以南不到 40 英里处,是一片未开发的海岸线。与地理位置相似的大苏尔不同,失落的海岸没有道路,只能通过 25 英里长的远足径进入。这条小径大约需要三天才能穿过(单程),所以只有当您是一位经验丰富的背包客时,才应该尝试这样做。踏上旅程的游客将享受宁静、空旷的海滩和大量野生动物,从麋鹿到海象,更不用说国王山脉的壮丽景色,这是一系列环绕海岸线的山脉。允许在海岸露营,但您需要获得野外许可证才能这样做。如果您想看到加利福尼亚的这一段,但又不想徒步那么远,那么在失落海岸的北部终点站附近有一个更易于管理的 3 英里选择,靠近彼得罗利亚小社区。沿着这条小径,您将看到同样迷人的风景以及废弃的蓬塔戈尔达灯塔。
Intrepid travelers looking to experience the untouched landscapes of California should consider a trek along The Lost Coast. Located less than 40 miles south of Eureka in Northern California, The Lost Coast is an undeveloped stretch of coastline. Unlike Big Sur, which shares similar geography, The Lost Coast is devoid of roads and can only be accessed via a 25-mile-long hiking trail. The trail takes about three days to traverse (one way), so you should only attempt this if you're an experienced backpacker. Visitors who make the journey will be treated to peace and quiet, empty beaches and plenty of wildlife, ranging from elk to elephant seals, not to mention striking views of the King Range, a collection of mountains that hug the coastline. Camping is allowed on the coast, but you need to obtain a backcountry permit in order to do so. If you want to see this stretch of California but don't want to hike that far, there is a more manageable 3-mile option available located at The Lost Coast's northern terminus, near the small community of Petrolia. Along this trail, you'll be treated to the same stunning scenery as well as the abandoned Punta Gorda lighthouse.

Point Reyes National Seashore

雷耶斯角国家海岸让游客一睹北加州海岸线开发前的生活。与大苏尔和失落的海岸等同行相比,这个国家海岸位于旧金山西北不到 40 英里的便利位置,更容易到达。在这里,您将欣赏到令人叹为观止的海岸线,其中一些只能通过小径到达,包括广受欢迎的 9.7 英里的往返 Tomales Point Trail。参观雷耶斯角还将带您穿越青翠的树木繁茂的景观,让您与野生动物亲密接触,包括麋鹿、山猫、海豹、海狸等等。您可以在附近的城镇找到露营地和简朴的住宿,包括奥莱马、雷耶斯角车站和因弗内斯。
Point Reyes National Seashore gives visitors a glimpse into what life on the Northern California coastline was like before development. Conveniently situated less than 40 miles northwest of San Francisco, this national seashore is much easier to reach compared its counterparts like Big Sur and The Lost Coast. Here, you'll be treated to breathtaking stretches of coastlines, some of which are only accessible by trail, including the popular 9.7-mile out-and-back Tomales Point Trail. A visit to Point Reyes will also take you through verdant, wooded landscapes and put you in close contact with wildlife, including elk, bobcats, seals, beavers and much more. You'll find campgrounds on-site and modest accommodations in nearby towns, including Olema, Point Reyes Station and Inverness.

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