

12 条最佳西海岸公路旅行线路 12 Top West Coast Road Trips to Take

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Hit the road for several days or take an extended vacation to explore these beautiful West Coast destinations.

夏季即将来临,现在是计划您完美的西海岸度假的时候了。从加利福尼亚到华盛顿的高速公路和小路拥有美国最壮观的风景,沿途提供令人难以置信的户外体验。虽然这 12 条公路旅行包括熟悉的地方,例如加利福尼亚的葡萄酒目的地和主题公园的刺激和寒意,但也有离网的史诗冒险以及超凡脱俗的风景。您甚至可能想要延长假期并结合其中的一些旅行。所以,制定那些遗愿清单计划,收拾你的行李(甚至可能是一个睡袋),然后踏上一段难忘的旅程。
With summer just around the corner, now is the time to plan your perfect West Coast getaway. The highways and byways from California to Washington boast some of the most spectacular scenery in the U.S. and along the way, offer incredible outdoor experiences. While these 12 road trips include familiar locales, such as wine destinations in California and thrills and chills at theme parks, there are also off-the-grid epic adventures complete with otherworldly landscapes. You might even want to extend your vacation and combine a few of these trips. So, make those bucket list plans, pack your bags (and maybe even a sleeping bag) and hit the road for an unforgettable trip.

California's Central Coast Wine Tour: Santa Barbara to Paso Robles

这次穿越中央海岸连绵起伏的山丘的品酒冒险始于圣巴巴拉,那里的地中海气候最适合生产屡获殊荣的葡萄酒。在城里,您可以去 Funk Zone 看看独特的精品店和画廊,然后沿着 Urban Wine Trail 漫步。 Sunstone Vineyards, Winery and Villa 位于圣伊内斯 (Santa Ynez),拥有迷人的风景,您可以在美丽的普罗旺斯风格的环境中品尝可持续发展的葡萄酒。计划在帕索罗布尔斯的 Halter Ranch 葡萄园结束您的假期,体验厨师的招牌品尝菜单或在户外享用一瓶葡萄酒放松身心。其他值得光顾的酒庄包括 Buellton 的 Alma Rosa Winery 和 Los Olivos 的 Stolpman Vineyards。
This wine-sipping adventure through the Central Coast's rolling hills begins in Santa Barbara, where the Mediterranean-like climate is optimal for producing award-winning vintages. While in town, check out unique boutiques and galleries in the Funk Zone and walk the Urban Wine Trail. Sunstone Vineyards, Winery and Villa, located in Santa Ynez, features stunning scenery where you can savor sustainable wines in a beautiful Provencal-style setting. Plan to end your getaway at Halter Ranch vineyard in Paso Robles to experience the chef's signature tasting menu or relax outdoors with a bottle of wine. Other wineries to stop by include Alma Rosa Winery in Buellton and Stolpman Vineyards in Los Olivos.

Gateway to the Blue Mountains in Oregon: Alpine lakes, cowboy culture and ghost towns

金矿开采和牧场将俄勒冈州东北部的这一部分放在地图上,并且有两条风景优美的路线可以探索这片美丽的地区及其历史。从位于蓝山风景道的哥伦比亚河开始。这条公路蜿蜒穿过绵延起伏的草原、丘陵和峡谷,进入占地 140 万英亩的尤马蒂拉国家森林。 Elkhorn Drive Scenic Byway 从山上向下进入贝克市和牛仔之乡的中心粉河谷。在驾车途中,您会看到古老的花岗岩采矿小镇和俄勒冈州最高的高山度假胜地 Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort,该度假胜地位于海拔 7,100 英尺的底部。不要错过附近的北叉约翰戴河 (North Fork John Day River) 的停靠站,该河汇入哥伦比亚河。 1860 年代,这条河是蓬勃发展的采矿业的发源地。
Gold mining and ranching put this section of northeast Oregon on the map, and there are two scenic routes to explore the beautiful region and its history. Begin at the Columbia River on the Blue Mountain Scenic Byway. This road winds through rolling grasslands, hills and canyons into the 1.4 million-acre Umatilla National Forest. The Elkhorn Drive Scenic Byway heads down from the mountains into Baker City and the Powder River Valley, the heart of cowboy country. On the drive, you'll see the old mining town of Granite and the highest alpine resort in Oregon, Anthony Lakes Mountain Resort, which sits at a base elevation of 7,100 feet. Don't miss a stop at nearby North Fork John Day River, which feeds into the Columbia River. The river was home to a thriving mining industry in the 1860s.

Washington's Cascade Loop Scenic Highway

被称为“华盛顿州伟大的美国公路之旅”,这条 440 英里的旅程在普吉特海湾出发和结束,为沿途的每个人提供一些东西。在西雅图开始您的冒险博物馆之旅,然后沿着 Stevens Path Greenway 在 Skykomish 河上远足和激流漂流。在巴伐利亚的莱文沃思村停下来吃午餐,那里有啤酒花园、小家伙和德国特色菜。您还可以参观韦纳奇和哥伦比亚河谷葡萄酒产区的酿酒厂。计划在奇兰湖州立公园扎营一晚,然后前往北喀斯喀特,在 Twisp 镇停留,探索其热闹的艺术场景。沿着惠德比风景岛之路(Whidbey Scenic Isle Way)沿风景优美的车道行驶,结束充满冒险的旅程,然后乘渡轮穿越普吉特海湾返回。
Known as "Washington State's Great American Road Trip," this 440-mile journey departs and ends in Puget Sound, offering something for everyone along the way. Kick off your adventure museum-hopping in Seattle, then go hiking and whitewater rafting on the Skykomish River along the Stevens Path Greenway. Stop for lunch at the Bavarian village of Leavenworth, which features beer gardens, brats and German specialties. You can also check out the wineries in the Wenatchee and Columbia River Valley's wine region. Plan to set up camp one night in Lake Chelan State Park, then head to North Cascades, making a stop in the town of Twisp to explore its lively arts scene. End your adventure-filled getaway with a scenic drive along the Whidbey Scenic Isle Way before returning by ferry crossing over Puget Sound.

California's North Coast: Mendocino County Road Trip

这次公路旅行从旧金山以北约 60 英里处开始,位于索诺玛县 128 号州际公路的南端。远离熙熙攘攘的城市,这个田园冒险包括在安德森谷风景如画的葡萄酒之乡啜饮葡萄酒,在 Pennyroyal 农场参观小山羊和品尝手工奶酪,以及在亨迪伍兹州立公园探索拥有 1000 年历史的红杉。沿着 128 号公路向北行驶,该路转入 1 号公路。这条 17 英里长的太平洋海岸线从麋鹿到门多西诺,享有大海、隐蔽海滩和野花草甸的美景。沿着门多西诺岬角州立公园 (Mendocino Headlands State Park) 的 4 英里远足小径欣赏壮观的景色和声音,包括被风吹过的悬崖、离岸岛屿和汹涌澎湃的海洋。
This road trip begins approximately 60 miles north of San Francisco on the southern point of State Route 128 in Sonoma County. Worlds away from the bustling city, this bucolic adventure includes sipping wine in Anderson Valley's picturesque wine country, visiting baby goats and tasting artisan cheeses at Pennyroyal Farm, and exploring the 1,000-year-old redwoods at Hendy Woods State Park. Heading north on Route 128, the road turns into Highway 1. This 17-mile stretch along the Pacific coastline from Elk to Mendocino boasts views of the ocean, hidden beaches and wildflower meadows. Take the 4-mile hiking trail in Mendocino Headlands State Park for spectacular sights and sounds, including wind-swept cliffs, offshore islands and the roar of the thundering ocean.

Oregon's Hells Canyon: Rivers, gorges and snow-capped mountains

地狱峡谷位于俄勒冈州的东北角,是美国最深的河流峡谷,沿着地狱峡谷探索峡谷的 9 条野生和风景优美的河流以及瓦洛瓦山脉 9,000 英尺的山峰的最佳方式之一风景道。在充满活力的拉格兰德大学城开始您的冒险之旅。之后,驱车穿过农田前往埃尔金牧场小镇,这里是一年一度的埃尔金牛仔节的举办地(每年夏天您可以在那里观看牛仔竞技表演、骑牛等活动)。其他站点包括瓦洛瓦湖、历史悠久的俄勒冈小径和约瑟夫艺术家社区。在回家之前,以漂流之旅或在强大的蛇河上令人振奋的高速游船之旅结束您的户外探险。
Located in the northeast corner of Oregon, Hells Canyon is the deepest river gorge in the U.S. One of the best ways to explore the gorge's nine wild and scenic rivers, as well as the 9,000-foot peaks of the Wallowa Mountains, is along Hells Canyon Scenic Byway. Begin your adventure in the vibrant university town of La Grande. Afterward, drive through farmlands to the ranching town of Elgin, home of the annual Elgin Stampede (where you can see rodeo performances, bull riding and more each summer). Other stops to include are Wallowa Lake, the historic Oregon Trail and the artist community of Joseph. Before heading home, end your outdoor adventure with a rafting trip or an exhilarating high-speed boat tour on the mighty Snake River.

Washington's White Pass Scenic Byway

这条位于华盛顿州中西部的 78 英里风景优美的车道可欣赏雷尼尔山的壮丽景色、一览无余的远景和层叠的瀑布。您甚至可以在海拔 5,400 英尺的天堂过夜:历史悠久的天堂旅馆坐落在雷尼尔山国家公园这个风景如画的小镇上。这条小路上的主要景点包括拥有众多瀑布的 Skate Creek、第一个被称为“The Mountain”(雷尼尔山)的壮丽景色的 Longmire 和 Ricksecker Point Loop Drive。单向的 Ricksecker Point Loop Drive,被恰当地称为“观景点”,以其尼斯夸利冰川和位于雷尼尔山的其他 26 座冰川中的几座全景而著称。一定要在族长树林 (Grove of the Patriarchs) 和玛格丽特瀑布 (Margaret Falls) 观赏古老的树木,这是公园海拔 1,100 英尺的最高瀑布。
This 78-mile scenic drive in the west-central part of Washington state affords stunning views of Mount Rainier, sweeping vistas and cascading waterfalls. You can even spend the night in Paradise at 5,400 feet elevation: The historic Paradise Inn is set in this small, picturesque town in Mount Rainier National Park. Top attractions along this byway include Skate Creek for its many waterfalls, Longmire for the first incredible views of what is known as "The Mountain" (Mount Rainier), and Ricksecker Point Loop Drive. The one-way Ricksecker Point Loop Drive, aptly referred to as the "Viewpoint," is notable for its panoramic views of Nisqually Glacier and several of the other 26 glaciers located on Mount Rainier. Be sure to see the old-growth trees at Grove of the Patriarchs as well as Margaret Falls, the park's tallest waterfall at 1,100 feet.

Classic Coast and Mountains in California: Santa Cruz to Mono Lake

在圣克鲁斯 (Santa Cruz) 乘风破浪,开启您积极的户外探险之旅。然后,前往内陆的尖峰石阵国家公园,那里由火山爆发形成的崎岖景观吸引着攀岩者、徒步旅行者和观鸟者。您甚至可能会瞥见濒临灭绝的加利福尼亚秃鹰,这是北美最大的鸟类。不容错过的是红杉国家公园巨大森林的巨大红杉、优胜美地的壮观景色和太浩湖翡翠湾闪闪发光的碧绿海水。在莫诺湖凝灰岩国家自然保护区,这个拥有超过 100 万年历史的湖泊(北美最古老的湖泊之一)的主要景点是它的凝灰岩尖塔,或由碱性物质相互作用形成的碳酸钙塔和旋钮。湖水和淡水泉水。
Kick off your active outdoor adventure by hitting the waves in Santa Cruz. Then, head inland to Pinnacles National Park, where the rugged landscape formed by volcanic eruptions attracts rock climbers, hikers and birders. You might even catch a glimpse of the endangered California condor, the largest bird in North America. Not to be missed are the massive sequoias of the Giant Forest at Sequoia National Park, Yosemite's spectacular scenery and the glistening turquoise waters of Emerald Bay in Lake Tahoe. At Mono Lake Tufa State Natural Reserve, the main attraction of this more than 1 million-year-old lake (one of the oldest lakes in North America) is its tufa spires, or calcium-carbonate towers and knobs formed by the interaction of alkaline lake water and freshwater springs.

Oregon's Diamond Loop Tour Route: Volcanic landscapes and moon-like dry lakes

俄勒冈州的边境国家提供崎岖的美景、无与伦比的荒野和壮观的惊喜。前往伯恩斯镇的高沙漠探索风景道,探索该州的东南部地区。停靠点包括 Malheur 国家野生动物保护区、Frenchglen 小镇和 Diamond Loop Tour Route 以查看被称为钻石陨石坑的火山地层。您还想停下来欣赏斯滕斯山边缘高处冰川雕刻的山谷,惊叹于阿尔沃德沙漠破裂地球的超凡脱俗景观。之后,在阿尔沃德温泉 (Alvord Hot Springs) 享受一次焕发活力的浸泡。然后,在沙漠中搭起帐篷,在星空下安眠。
Oregon's frontier country offers rugged beauty, unparalleled wilderness and spectacular surprises. Head out on the High Desert Discovery Scenic Byway in the town of Burns to explore the southeastern area of the state. Stops to include are the Malheur National Wildlife Refuge, the tiny town of Frenchglen and the Diamond Loop Tour Route to view volcanic formations known as the Diamond Craters. You'll also want to stop and take in the valleys carved by glaciers from high above at Steens Mountain's rim and marvel at the otherworldly landscape of the cracked earth at the Alvord Desert. Afterward, enjoy a reinvigorating soak in Alvord Hot Springs. Then, set up a tent in the desert to sleep under the stars.

Washington's Wine Country

该地区也被称为华盛顿州的“葡萄园区”,包括亚基马和瓦拉瓦拉山谷以及三城。该地区在多个 AVA(美国葡萄栽培区)拥有 240 多家酿酒厂,生产许多顶级年份的葡萄酒。葡萄酒爱好者可以参观亚基马山谷的 100 多家酿酒厂,这里的生长条件与法国一些产量最高的葡萄酒产区相似。更重要的是,在沃拉沃拉山谷,大约有 120 家酒厂。计划留在葡萄酒之乡的中心三城,在那里您还可以进行许多户外活动,包括高尔夫、水上运动(想想:划独木舟和帆船)和自行车道。
Also known as the "vineyard region" of Washington state, this area includes the Yakima and Walla Walla valleys and the Tri-Cities. Boasting more than 240 wineries across several AVAs (American Viticultural Areas), the region produces many top-rated vintages. Wine enthusiasts can visit more than 100 wineries in the Yakima Valley, which has similar growing conditions to some of the most productive wine regions in France. What's more, in the Walla Walla Valley, there are approximately 120 wineries. Plan to stay in the Tri-Cities, the heart of wine country, where you'll also have plenty of outdoor activities to explore including golf, water sports (think: canoeing and sailing) and biking trails.

Theme Park Thrills in California

从圣地亚哥到圣克拉丽塔的大约 165 英里的旋风之旅将通过不间断的游乐设施、电影布景、过山车和无尽的主题公园美食让每个人都充满童趣。在圣地亚哥海洋世界开始您一生一次的冒险,观赏海洋生物并乘坐该州最高的过山车之一——电鳗。然后向北前往乐高乐园,在那里您可以在水上乐园消暑,并在您的卡萨拉卡尔斯巴德酒店欣赏太平洋美景。下一站包括阿纳海姆的迪斯尼乐园度假村、布埃纳公园的诺氏浆果农场和洛杉矶以北的好莱坞环球影城。如果这还不够有趣,瓦伦西亚的六旗魔术山 (Six Flags Magic Mountain) 有 20 个过山车,包括世界上最高和最快的环形过山车 Full Throttle,提供令人尖叫的重力刺激。
The approximately 165-mile whirlwind trip from San Diego to Santa Clarita will bring out the kid in everyone thanks to nonstop rides, movie sets, rollercoasters and an endless array of theme park food. Begin your once-in-a-lifetime adventure at SeaWorld San Diego to view marine life and ride one of the state's tallest roller coasters, Electric Eel. Then head north to LEGOLAND, where you can cool off at the water park and take in Pacific Ocean views at your hotel, The Cassara Carlsbad. Next stops include Disneyland Resort in Anaheim, Knott's Berry Farm in Buena Park and Universal Studios Hollywood just north of Los Angeles. And if that isn't enough fun, Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia offers screaming G-force thrills with 20 rollercoasters, including the world's tallest and fastest looping rollercoaster, Full Throttle.

Oregon's Outback Scenic Byway

从 La Pine 向东南行驶到俄勒冈州与加利福尼亚州边界的公路旅行者会发现该地区拥有晴朗的天空、令人难以置信的地质构造、古老的人类历史和野生动物观赏区——尽管它在地图上可能看起来很空旷。 171 英里长的俄勒冈内陆风景小路的亮点包括位于 Picture Rock Pass、俄勒冈州唯一的间歇泉、Old Perpetual 和天然温泉的岩画(古老的美洲原住民岩石雕刻)。更重要的是,沿着 Winter Rim 的悬崖,您可以在哈特山国家羚羊保护区看到大角羊或观察叉角羊(看起来像羚羊和雄鹿之间的杂交)。其他站点应该包括北美洲最大的裸露断层陡崖 Albert Rim,然后前往佩斯利的 Pioneer Saloon,感受旧西部风情。
Road-trippers traveling southeast from La Pine to the Oregon-California border will find this area boasts clear skies, incredible geologic formations, ancient human history and wildlife viewing – even though it might look empty on a map. Highlights of the 171-mile-long Oregon Outback Scenic Byway include petroglyphs (ancient Native American rock carvings) at Picture Rock Pass, Oregon's only geyser, Old Perpetual, and natural hot springs. What's more, along the cliffs of the Winter Rim, you can spot bighorn sheep or watch for pronghorn (which looks like a cross between an antelope and a buck deer) in Hart Mountain National Antelope Refuge. Other stops should include Albert Rim, North America's largest exposed fault scarp, and then for a taste of the Old West, head to the Pioneer Saloon in Paisley.

San Juan Islands Scenic Byway in Washington

圣胡安群岛是由 170 多个岛屿组成的群岛,位于华盛顿西北部靠近加拿大边境的地方,可以通过渡轮、私人船只或飞机抵达。 风景优美的小路包括三个车道,但您应该将大部分时间花在圣胡安岛部分。 岛上的亮点包括独特的艺术家工作室、鲸鱼博物馆、圣胡安群岛艺术博物馆和圣胡安历史博物馆。 您还可以在牛角灯塔寻找秃鹰,参观佩林达巴薰衣草农场,并在石灰窑角观鲸。 之后,在圣胡安葡萄园放松身心,品尝庄园屡获殊荣的葡萄酒。 如需更多上岛时间,请在位于星期五港湾西 123 号的 Island Inn 预订住宿。
The San Juan Islands are an archipelago of more than 170 islands found in northwestern Washington near the Canadian border that are reachable by ferry, private boat or plane. The scenic byway includes three drives, but you should spend the most time on the San Juan Island portion. Highlights around the island include unique artists' studios, The Whale Museum, San Juan Islands Museum of Art and the San Juan Historical Museum. You can also look for bald eagles at Cattle Point Lighthouse, visit the Pelindaba Lavender Farm and go whale watching at Lime Kiln Point. Afterward, relax at San Juan Vineyard and sample the estate's award-winning wines. For more island time, reserve accommodations at Island Inn at 123 West in Friday Harbor.

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