

夏天要进行的 10 次史诗般的东海岸公路旅行 10 Epic East Coast Road Trips to Take This Summer

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发表于 Oct 20, 2021 13:36:25 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览
Grab the keys and hit the road for a summer vacation to remember.

没有比夏天更好的时间收拾车子上路去冒险了。从缅因州到佛罗里达州的东海岸可以找到一些美国最好的公路旅行路线。无论您是在寻找轻松的海滩假期、以美食家为中心的体验、文化和历史行程还是积极的户外假期,这 10 条路线都能满足每个人的需求。所以,收拾好你的包,穿上人字拖和太阳镜,开始一场史诗般的冒险。
There's no better time than the summer to pack up the car and hit the road for an adventure. Some of the best road trip routes in the USA can be found along the East Coast from Maine to Florida. Whether you're looking for a relaxing beach break, a foodie-focused experience, a cultural and historical itinerary or an active outdoor vacation, these 10 routes offer something for everyone. So, pack your bag, toss in the flip-flops and sunglasses, and head off on an epic adventure.

Baltimore, Annapolis, Md., and Washington, D.C.

在巴尔的摩探索内港、享用马里兰蟹饼、参观国家水族馆并游览麦克亨利堡(1812 年战争的据点)。接下来,前往切萨皮克湾和风景如画的马里兰州安纳波利斯小镇。在这里,您可以在海港女王号上体验海湾巡游,预订历史悠久的徒步旅行,并在美丽的海滨用餐。在美国首都,您会想去参观主要景点,如林肯纪念堂、华盛顿纪念碑和史密森尼博物馆,包括美洲印第安人国家博物馆。
Explore the Inner Harbor, feast on Maryland crab cakes, visit the National Aquarium and tour Fort McHenry (the stronghold of the War of 1812) while in Baltimore. Next, make your way to the Chesapeake Bay and picturesque town of Annapolis, Maryland. Here, you can experience a bay cruise on the Harbor Queen, book a historic walking tour and dine along the beautiful waterfront. And in the nation's capital, you'll want to visit major attractions like the Lincoln Memorial, Washington Monument and Smithsonian museums including the National Museum of the American Indian.

New York's Hudson Valley

风景秀丽的哈德逊河谷历史悠久。它位于纽约市以北约 150 英里处,是一个跨越 10 个县的国家遗产区。在穿越小镇和农田的公路旅行中了解革命战争时期。热门站点包括位于弗农山的圣保罗教堂、位于纽堡的华盛顿总部国家历史遗址和位于柯萨奇的布朗克博物馆,在那里您可以看到保存完好的荷兰殖民时期房屋和谷仓。然后,花点时间品尝该国最古老的葡萄酒产区生产的葡萄酒,并品尝农场新鲜的当地美食。
The scenic Hudson Valley is rich in history. Located about 150 miles north of New York City, it's a National Heritage Area that spans 10 counties. Learn about Revolutionary War times while road-tripping through small towns and farmland. Top stops include Saint Paul's Church in Mount Vernon, Washington's Headquarters State Historic Site in Newburgh and the Bronck Museum in Coxsackie, where you can see well-preserved colonial Dutch houses and barns. Then, take time to sample the wines produced in the country's oldest wine region and dine on farm fresh local cuisine.

The lowcountry: Hilton Head, Beaufort and Charleston, South Carolina

穿越南卡罗来纳州的海滨城镇和沿海平原,体验亲切的款待、丰富的户外活动、当地海鲜和区域特色菜。花几天时间在希尔顿黑德 (Hilton Head) 的各个海滩上闲逛。然后,向北前往博福特 (Beaufort),在历史悠久的 Anchorage 1770 住宿,客人可以从屋顶露台欣赏到令人难以置信的美景。与此同时,美食家们应该探访Lowcountry Oyster Trail 和Beaufort 市中心。之后,前往查尔斯顿,一个繁华的小镇和美食家的喜悦,在那里您会发现数不胜数的非凡餐厅和鸡尾酒吧。
Experience gracious hospitality, ample outdoor activities, local seafood and regional specialties with a trip through the seaside towns and coastal plains of South Carolina. Spend several days in Hilton Head lounging on the various beaches. Then, head north to Beaufort for a stay at the historic Anchorage 1770, where guests have incredible views from the rooftop patio. Meanwhile, foodies should scout out the Lowcountry Oyster Trail and downtown Beaufort. Afterward, head to Charleston, a bustling town and a gourmand's delight, where you'll find a seemingly endless number of extraordinary restaurants and cocktail bars.

Boston to Portland, Maine

在波士顿自由之路上度过美好时光,参观新英格兰水族馆或在芬威球场观看红袜队比赛。然后,激发食欲,开始寻找新英格兰最受欢迎的美食:龙虾卷。在缅因州肯纳邦克波特的 The Clam Shack 品尝您的第一个三明治,然后漫步在迷人的码头广场。前往缅因州埃塞克斯郡两盏灯的龙虾小屋,最后在波特兰品尝 Eventide 的棕色黄油蒸龙虾卷。乘坐奥德赛观鲸游船结束您的旅程,体验美丽的卡斯科湾。有兴趣了解更多缅因州的乐趣吗?查看缅因州最值得做的事情。
Spend time in Boston on the Freedom Trail, visit the New England Aquarium or take in a Red Sox game at Fenway Park. Then, work up an appetite and begin your quest for the best of a New England favorite: the lobster roll. Savor your first sandwich at The Clam Shack in Kennebunkport, Maine, then stroll through charming Dock Square. Journey on to the Lobster Shack at Two Lights in Essex, Maine, and finally, sample Eventide's brown butter steamed lobster roll in Portland. Conclude your trip with an Odyssey Whale Watch cruise to experience the beautiful Casco Bay. Interested in more Maine fun? See the top things to do in Maine.

Florida's First Coast: Amelia Island to St. Augustine

开始您对佛罗里达州东北部阿米莉亚岛这个历史悠久的地区的访问,在那里您可以在海滩上放松身心。然而,享受这个以丰富的野生动物和自然美景而闻名的屏障岛的最佳方式是通过其风景优美的水道。参加 Backwater Cat Adventures 之旅,参加 Amelia River Cruises 的日落巡游,或搭乘渡轮观赏野马并游览佐治亚州的坎伯兰岛。接下来,前往美国最古老的城市圣奥古斯丁,探索其历史遗迹和博物馆。
Begin your visit to this historic region in northeast Florida on Amelia Island, where you can relax on the beach. However, the best way to enjoy this barrier island, which is renowned for its abundant wildlife and natural beauty, is via its scenic waterways. Take a tour with Backwater Cat Adventures, a sunset cruise with Amelia River Cruises or hop on the ferry to view wild horses and tour Cumberland Island, Georgia. Next, make your way to St. Augustine, America's oldest city, to explore its historic sites and museums.

Virginia's Shenandoah Valley

选择一条或多条标志性路线,探索这个被阿勒格尼和蓝岭山脉环绕的 140 英里地区的美景。欣赏令人惊叹的远景,观赏野生动物和鸟类,并沿途体验风景如画的山城、精酿啤酒厂和当地酿酒厂。两条最著名的道路是从 Afton 延伸到自然桥的 Blue Ridge Parkway 和 Skyline Drive。 Skyline Drive 穿过占地 200,000 英亩的雪兰多国家公园,该公园提供 500 英里的远足小径和 75 个风景优美的观景点。
Chose one or several iconic routes to explore the beauty of this 140-mile region surrounded by the Allegheny and Blue Ridge mountains. Take in awe-inspiring vistas, watch wildlife and birds, and experience the picturesque mountain towns, craft breweries and local wineries along the way. Two of the best-known roadways are the Blue Ridge Parkway, which extends from Afton to Natural Bridge, and Skyline Drive. Skyline Drive cuts across the 200,000-acre Shenandoah National Park, which offers 500 miles of hiking trails and 75 scenic overlooks.

宾夕法尼亚州的 30 号公路
Pennsylvania's Route 30

在费城逗留几天开始您的行程,然后向西前往兰开斯特。这个不断变化的地区曾经以其阿米什农田而闻名,现在是艺术家和众多画廊的所在地,还有一家全国知名的意大利餐厅 Luca。兰开斯特之后,前往萨斯奎汉诺克州立公园徒步旅行,然后前往葛底斯堡,在那里您可以在马背上乘坐 Confederate Trails 游览战场,并入住地标性的 Federal Pointe Inn。再往西,在风景如画的利戈尼尔,您可以参观利戈尼尔堡,然后前往俄亥俄派尔州立公园,该地区拥有 20,500 英亩的原始风景和户外活动。
Kick off your itinerary with several days in Philadelphia, then head west to Lancaster. Once known for its Amish farmland, this ever-changing area is now home to artists and numerous galleries, plus a nationally acclaimed Italian restaurant, Luca. After Lancaster, head to Susquehannock State Park to hike then venture to Gettysburg, where you can tour the battlefield on horseback with Confederate Trails and stay at the landmark Federal Pointe Inn. Farther west, in picturesque Ligonier, you can visit Fort Ligonier then journey on to Ohiopyle State Park, a region comprising 20,500 acres of pristine scenery and outdoor activities.

Virginia's Eastern Shore

Begin exploring this unspoiled region of Virginia's coast with a visit to the Chincoteague Wildlife Refuge and Assateague Island National Seashore. View the wild ponies, then head to Onancock, a quaint harbor town. Next, hop the ferry to Tangier Island where the locals speak in a rare British dialect. After that, take an eco tour or kayak out of Wachapreague to a wild Atlantic barrier island or stroll along the beach and stay a few days in Cape Charles. For an off-the-grid experience, reserve a cabin on a remote island.

Miami to Key West, Florida

在南海滩开始几天的佛罗里达公路旅行,然后上路前往该国风景最优美的公路之一。著名的海外公路穿过由 42 座桥梁连接的 113 英里长的加勒比海岛屿链。所有佛罗里达群岛都以一流的钓鱼、户外水上运动和丰富的新鲜海鲜而闻名。在基拉戈,参观 Pennekamp 珊瑚礁州立公园。最后,当您需要在开车前往较低的基斯岛和基韦斯特之前休息时,预订海滨套房并在伊斯兰多拉时尚的 Cheeca Lodge 放松身心。
Start this Florida road trip with several days in South Beach, then hit the road for one of the country's most scenic drives. The famed Overseas Highway crosses a 113-mile chain of Caribbean-like islands connected by 42 bridges. All of the Florida Keys are known for first-class fishing, outdoor water sports and abundant fresh seafood. In Key Largo, visit Pennekamp Coral Reef State Park. Finally, reserve an oceanfront suite and relax at the stylish Cheeca Lodge in Islamadora when you need to rest before driving on to the lower Keys and Key West.

Connecticut to Rhode Island

有兴趣探索新英格兰吗?在康涅狄格州从格林威治到长岛海峡的格罗顿的锯齿状海岸线上寻找海滩和州立公园。您还应该参观神秘海港,这是一个历史悠久的航海村,拥有令人印象深刻的海事博物馆,然后向北前往罗德岛海洋之州,沿着纳拉甘西特湾探索 400 英里的海岸线。从乘坐短途渡轮前往布洛克岛 (Block Island) 开始,欣赏古色古香的小镇及其令人印象深刻的悬崖。从南县到位于普罗维登斯以北的黑石谷的风景如画的车程结束您的旅程。
Interested in exploring New England? Seek out the beaches and state parks on Connecticut's jagged coastline from Greenwich to Groton on Long Island Sound. You should also visit Mystic Seaport, a historic seafaring village with an impressive maritime museum, then journey north to the Ocean State, Rhode Island, to explore the 400 miles of coastline along Narragansett Bay. Begin with a short ferry ride to Block Island to see the quaint town and its impressive cliffs. And end your journey with a picturesque drive from South County to Blackstone Valley, located just north of Providence.

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