


发表于 Oct 21, 2021 17:15:42 | 显示全部楼层
老实说:一觉醒来黑眼圈并不理想。然而,这是数以百万计的人每天早上都会经历的事情。 “黑眼圈是我的男性和女性患者普遍关心的问题,”皮肤科医生 Courtney Rubin 医学博士说。
Let’s be honest: Waking up with dark circles is, well, not ideal. And yet it’s something that millions of people experience each and every morning. “Dark circles are a common concern among my patients, both male and female,” says dermatologist Courtney Rubin, MD.
虽然互联网可能让你相信单一的、独立的方法可以治疗任何和所有的黑眼圈,但鲁宾指出,有无数因素会促进黑眼圈的发展,了解每一个因素是一劳永逸地摆脱它们的关键全部。 “找出最大的影响因素是很重要的,这样你才能确定最佳的治疗方案,”她解释道。
While the internet might have you believe that a single, standalone approach will work to treat any and all dark circles, Rubin points out that there are myriad factors that contribute to their development, and understanding each is key to getting rid of them once and for all. “It’s important to figure out what the biggest contributing factors are, so you can determine the best treatment option,” she explains.

That’s what we’re here for. Ahead, discover all of the factors that cause dark under-eye circles so that you’re better prepared to treat them when they arise.


医学博士考特尼·鲁宾 (Courtney Rubin) 是一名获得董事会认证的皮肤科医生,也是 Fig.1 的联合创始人。
医学博士 Reza Tirgari 是一名整容外科医生,也是位于圣地亚哥的精品激光治疗诊所和医疗水疗 Avalon Laser 的创始人。
医学博士艾伦·帕克斯 (Alan Parks) 是一名获得董事会认证的皮肤科医生,也是 Park Perfection 的创始人。
Courtney Rubin, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist and co-founder of Fig.1.
Reza Tirgari, MD, is a cosmetic surgeon and founder of the San Diego–based boutique laser treatment clinic and medical spa Avalon Laser.
Alan Parks, MD, is a board-certified dermatologist and founder of Park Perfection.

You're Just Getting Older

黑色、凹陷的下眼皮变得可见的最大原因是面部区域的体积自然减少。 “眼睛下方是一个特殊的软组织枕头,称为 SOOF(眼轮匝肌脂肪),”鲁宾解释说。 “随着时间的推移,这个组织枕头会收缩和下降,导致眼睛下方的自然体积减少,并产生阴影。这是黑眼圈最常见的原因之一。”
The biggest reason why dark, sunken under-eyes become visible is due to a natural loss of volume in the facial area. “Underneath the eye is a special pillow of soft tissue called the SOOF (suborbicularis oculi fat),” explains Rubin. “Over time, this pillow of tissue shrinks and descends, leading to a decrease in the natural volume of the under-eye, and the creation of a shadow. This is one of the most common causes of dark circles.”
What’s more, she points out that, as we age, the delicate skin covering that area of tissue is also prone to losing collagen and elastin, which then leads to thinner skin and even more obvious volume loss and shadows.
为了进一步解释,医学博士 Reza Tirgari 说,随着眼睛下方的体积减少和皮肤变薄,更深的毛细血管床变得更加明显,这就是为什么眼下区域随着年龄的增长而显得更暗。 “幸运的是,使用专门为此目的制造的特定皮肤填充剂可以轻松快速地纠正这种情况,”他说,并指出,如果这是您的目标,那么找一位具有手术技能和经验的医生尤为重要。
To further explain, Reza Tirgari, MD, says that as volume diminishes under the eye and skin becomes thinner, the deeper capillary bed becomes more noticeable, which is why the under-eye area appears darker with age. “Fortunately, this can be corrected easily and quickly with specific dermal fillers that are made for this purpose,” he says, noting that, if that’s your goal, it's especially important to see a practitioner who has skill and experience with the procedure.

You're Dehydrated

然而,体积的减少不仅会随着年龄的增长而发生。 “请记住,水约占人体的 60%,”鲁宾说。 “如果你严重脱水,你身体的组织会开始萎缩,包括你的皮肤和眼睛下方的脆弱组织。”因此,如果您是 20 多岁的人,您可能希望在自动转向美容治疗之前重新评估您的用水量。而且,如果您发现自己确实喝了大量的水,那么这可能是您沉迷于其他饮料的罪魁祸首。毕竟,正如蒂尔加里指出的那样,咖啡因、酒精和其他利尿剂会导致脱水,需要更多的水才能恢复。
Loss of volume doesn’t only happen with age, though. “Remember, water makes up about 60% of the human body,” Rubin says. “If you are seriously dehydrated, your body’s tissues will start to shrink, including your skin and the delicate tissue under the eyes.” So, if you’re, say, in your 20s, you might want to reevaluate your water consumption before automatically jumping toward cosmetic treatments. And, if you find that you do drink plenty of water, perhaps it’s the other beverages you indulge in that could be to blame. After all, as Tirgari points out, caffeine, alcohol, and other diuretics can lead to dehydration and require even more water to recover from.

You're Not Getting Enough Sleep

这是黑眼圈的另一个众所周知的原因。而且,与年龄相关的体积减少不同,这可能发生在任何严重缺乏睡眠的人身上。 “每天晚上在同一时间睡觉总是有帮助的,这样你的身体自己的昼夜节律就可以习惯有规律的作息时间并防止失眠,”蒂尔加里说,并指出不规则会导致眼睛变黑和/或松弛作为一种反映繁忙的日程安排。
Here’s another fairly well-known cause of dark under-eye circles. And, unlike the age-related loss of volume, this can happen to anyone seriously lacking sleep. “It always helps to sleep at the same time every evening so that your body's own circadian rhythm can get used to a regular schedule and prevent insomnia,” Tirgari says, noting that irregularities can lead eyes to become dark and/or baggy as a reflection of a hectic schedule.

You're Straining Your Eyes
用力眼睛不仅会伤害您的视力。根据 Parks 的说法,它也会影响您的下眼睑外观。他解释说:“当你难以看清东西并使眼睛紧张时,你的皮肤下的血管会扩大,并以更突出的黑眼圈显示出来,”并指出检查你的眼部处方可能会有所帮助,以避免进一步紧张,并且,结果,变黑了。
Straining your eyes doesn’t only hurt your vision. According to Parks, it can impact your under-eye appearance, too. “When you struggle to see something and strain your eyes, your blood vessels enlarge under your skin and show through as dark circles more prominently,” he explains, noting that it might be helpful to get your eye prescription checked to avoid further straining and, as a result, darkening.

You're Experiencing Contact Dermatitis

考虑到您的眼下皮肤有多薄,鲁宾指出,对于那些患有接触性皮炎(即个人护理产品引起的刺激)的人来说,这是一个特别敏感的区域。 “不幸的是,皮炎会留下炎症后变化,导致黑眼圈的出现,称为炎症后色素沉着过度 (PIH),”她补充道。 “对抗眼部 PIH 的最佳方法是解决皮炎的原因,无论是寻求补丁测试(一种特殊类型的皮肤测试,有助于揭示您对哪些成分过敏)或修改您的护肤程序以避免刺激。”
Considering how thin your under-eye skin is, Rubin points out that it’s an especially delicate area for those with contact dermatitis (aka irritation from personal care products). “Unfortunately, dermatitis can then leave behind post-inflammatory changes that contribute to the appearance of dark circles, called post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation (PIH),” she adds. “The best way to combat PIH under the eyes is to address the cause of the dermatitis, whether it is seeking patch testing (a special type of skin test that helps reveal which ingredients you are allergic to) or modifying your skincare routine to avoid irritation.”

You've Got Seasonal Allergies

Allergies have such a common impact on the appearance of under-eyes that Rubin says there’s actually a name for it: “allergic shiners.”
“基本上,过敏性结膜炎(影响眼睛的过敏)引起的炎症,以及经常摩擦和揉搓发痒的眼部区域,会导致血管破裂和瘀伤,”她解释道。 “随着瘀伤愈合,色素含铁血黄素(血红蛋白的一种成分)会被留下,这会导致眼睛下方出现黑斑。”更重要的是,因为过敏通常伴随着炎症,鲁宾说他们也可以留下 PIH。
“Basically, the inflammation from allergic conjunctivitis (allergies affecting the eyes), along with frequent friction and rubbing of an itchy eye area, can lead to broken blood vessels and bruising,” she explains. “As the bruising heals, pigmented hemosiderin (a component of hemoglobin) is left behind, which causes dark marks under the eyes.” What’s more, because allergies often come with a side of inflammation, Rubin says that they can leave behind PIH, too.  

You Have an Underlying Medical Condition

黑眼圈的一个不太可能的原因是潜在的健康状况。 “贫血、吸收不良综合征、营养不良、维生素缺乏、甲状腺功能减退和某些代谢综合征等情况也会导致黑眼圈,”Tirgari 说。 “如果即使经过治疗,这些情况仍然存在,那么进行彻底检查并与您的主治医师进行实验室检查总是一个好主意。”
A less likely cause of dark circles is an underlying health condition. “There are conditions such as anemia, malabsorption syndromes, poor nutrition, vitamin deficiencies, hypothyroidism, and certain metabolic syndromes that can also lead to dark under-eye circles,” Tirgari says. “If these persist even with treatment, it's always a good idea to have a thorough exam and get labs with your primary physician.”

It's Just in Your Genes
At the end of the day, if none of the other causes resonate, your genes could be to blame.
“最普遍但不幸的是最难治疗的是遗传学(这称为眶周色素沉着过度),”帕克斯解释说。 “总有一些东西可以帮助掩盖黑眼圈的出现,例如含有咖啡因、视黄醇、藻类、透明质酸等的眼霜。 Park Perfection 2-in-1 Instant Eye Lift 非常适合帮助立即遮盖黑眼圈并长期滋养该区域。”
“Among the most prevalent and unfortunately the most difficult to treat is simply genetics (this is called periorbital hyperpigmentation),” Parks explains. “There are always things you can try to help mask the appearance of dark circles, such as eye creams that include caffeine, retinol, algae, hyaluronic acid, and more. The Park Perfection 2-in-1 Instant Eye Lift is perfect for helping to mask dark circles immediately and nourish the area in the long term.”

Ask a Dermatologist: What Causes Dark Circles Under Eyes?

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